Chapter Seven

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"I look ridiculous," Sofia said, twirling in one of Ebony's tight skirts. It was a light blue patterned with yellow daises. As for a shirt, she wore a light pink blouse that pulled tight on her boobs.

It was almost like Cas had picked the most out there clothing on purpose.

"I think you look good." A little bit of a colour clash, sure, but still sexy. "Ridiculously good."

"What kind of bounty hunter wears every colour of the rainbow?"

If Sofia's outfit the night before had been anything to go by, his little mate was a devout worshipper of black.

"I didn't realise bounty hunting came with a dress code. The offer still stands if you want to borrow some of my clothes."

"Hard pass."

"Your loss."

He'd have loved to see her walking about in his clothes.

"Are you gonna stand there staring or finally feed me?"

"Hungry, trouble?"

"You're a terrible host."

"Come on then flower power. The kitchen's this way."

She stopped by his desk and snatched his crossbow.

"I'm taking this as a souvenir."

"By all means."

He beckoned her out of his room and down the stairs.

In the kitchen, Luis already hovered by the messy breakfast bar with a box of cereal beside him. He swapped between pouring it into a bowl and directly into his mouth.

"Oh hey, lovebirds. Didn't think I'd be seeing the two of you again."

Caspian rolled his eyes, guiding Sofia over to one of the stools. "Ignore him. He's always like this. What do you want? Cereal? Toast?"

She cast the cereal box Luis messed with a disturbed look. "Toast please."

Cas turned, dropping bread into the toaster. He poured himself and Sofia a glass of water.

"If you get bored of Caspian's room, mine's just down the hall," Luis announced.

Again, Cas rolled his eyes. "Luis, this is Sofia, my mate."


"Not interested," She finished.

"Oh damn," Luis laughed.

Blocking him out completely, Sofia gave Caspian her total focus. "How will we find my brother?"

"How?" Luis chortled. "You're looking at the best demon mercenary out there. There's a reason Cas is the King's Captain. You won't find better."

"Can you tell me anything about your brother?" Caspian asked. "Any defining factors that might help us out."

"His name's Emilio."

The glass in Caspian's hand smashed.

Blood seeped from his fingers. He didn't care. No, he didn't even notice. His wound had healed by the time Caspian had regathered himself.

"Your brother's called what?"

There was no way. Simply no way. But how many Emilios just so happened to be out there? She wants to be a bounty hunter for fuck's sake. Her brother was Emilio. Caspian's biggest competition and easily the biggest dickhead around.

In the same career field, Caspian and Emilio had wildly different styles. Emilio played selfish, looking out for number one. He didn't give a flying fuck who he harmed in the process. Differently, Caspian worked for his people. He did what needed to be done and he did it with honour.

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