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My price?"
She asked, staring into Kanat's eyes.
"My price is your blood."

He repeated, amusement flashing in his eyes.

"That's quite the request. Though I suppose it could be arranged. But before we negotiate any further, why don't you give me a taste of what kind of entertainment you have to offer?"

He leaned closer, his breath hot against her ear.

"I'll give you until dawn to prove yourself," he whispered,

his hand sliding down her arm possessively.

"If I'm satisfied, we'll discuss terms further. If not...

He pulled out a gun and aimed it at her.

"You have one shot, make it count."
His eyes gleaming with anticipation.*

The assassin swallowed hard, her heart pounding.


she managed to say, her voice shaky with fear and determination.

Good girl," Kanat purred,
stepping back with a smirk.

"Don't disappoint me now."

He then turned and walked away, leaving her alone with his bodyguards surrounding her.

The assassin watched him go, her mind racing with thoughts of survival and potential performances. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself under the watchful eyes of the bodyguards.

"I won't disappoint you,"

she muttered under her breath, slowly beginning to undo buttons on her shirt. She would need to be seductive yet skillful; after all, this man was notorious for his harsh treatment of those who failed him.

May I suggest a private area for our performance?"

She asked, her voice low and husky, almost daring him to refuse.

"Of course..." His voice was a low,

throaty whisper as he turned and gestured to one of his bodyguards. The man moved around the table, picked her up by the waist, and carried her over towards a hidden alcove in the wall.

The assassin smiled grimly as she was carried into the alcove. She knew it would be difficult to escape with so many eyes on her, but she also knew that failure wasn't an option. She could feel the cool wall against her back as she waited for Kanat to join them.

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