⚖️/Chapter 12

Start from the beginning

"Hm, I never knew you have such a plan up your sleeves but I guess this plan could work. Well it certainly is a good plan and it would be nice to lead Meropide again but... What are the downsides to this plan and how should we avoid those negative consequences? I mean, I wouldn't want to get into trouble for impersonating official documents and stuff."
Wriothesley gave one of a smirk, as Wriothesley felt slightly hesitant about this plan.

Clorinde laughed lightly.
"You are a criminal who literally works as a police officer in Meropide, confiscating documents will not be something people would think you were capable of doing."
She said it, and it was true.
Wriothesley was a man who knew how to hide things well, and he was someone with a friendly personality, no one suspected him.

"Well that's true... So you're saying that nobody will actually suspect me for having those intentions?"
Wriothesley gave a soft chuckle at Clorinde's words.
"I mean... If nobody suspects me, then I can simply get those needed documents and forge them in order for me to lead Meropide once again."

Clorinde nodded, but then she asked something.
"By the way, are you dating Neuvillette because you like him or is it for sex?"
She asked since she suspected.

"The second option Clorinde... I'm... Dating Neuvillette mostly because of sex than love."
Wriothesley admitted the true reason of why he's dating Neuvillette here, as Wriothesley felt that he would answer her question honestly.

Clorinde looked at him, she already knew that this could be the answer.
"Oh sure, that makes sense. Does he know that?"

"Well... No Clorinde, he actually doesn't know that I just dated him for sex instead of love."
Wriothesley said this with a smirk once again, as Wriothesley was still feeling satisfied with himself after having some fun with Neuvillette earlier.

Clorinde raised her eyebrows, she thought this would go wrong in the end.
"That's sad actually."

"Well... It's the true answer anyway, I wouldn't want to lie about that. But... I'm still worried that this decision could affect my life a bit negatively since...Yeah."
Wriothesley said this with a sigh, as he was slightly starting to feel worried about this potential relationship with Neuvillette now.

"Don't you think he really loves you? Like... he's someone who always has a serious expression, but he seems to smile more when he's with you."
Clorinde said, she thought it would be sad for Neuvillette if he found out Wriothesley's intentions.
"You wouldn't like it raining nonstop for days, right?"
She said, mentioning the fact that it always rained when Neuvillette was sad.

"Oh, well I did see him smiling more often when he's with... I mean at me, I guess."
Wriothesley then thought about this situation for a while, as Wriothesley looked slightly worried about this whole situation with Neuvillette.
"But... Do you think... We should just break up our relationship together? Cause... I don't know if I could handle a depressed Neuvillette who keeps on raining nonstop for days..."

Clorinde looked at him and raised an eyebrow.
"Wait, would you mind if he got depressed?"
She asked.

Wriothesley looked at her in shock.
"Of course I would mind, why would I ever want him to be depressed in life?"
Wriothesley just said this with a worried look on his face as if he wouldn't want anything negative from Neuvillette to happen at all.

"So you care about him, it's not just for sex!"
Clorinde said, looking at him with a more bored expression.

Wriothesley smiled at Clorinde.
"Yes, of course I care about Neuvillette. What, did you think I felt nothing but lust for him for? Of course I do care about Neuvillette's feelings, I would never want to see him become depressed."
Wriothesley then rolled his eyes in a playful matter.
"Looks like you got caught red handed Clorinde, did you actually thought I didn't care about him at all?"

Clorinde took a document and made it into a ball of paper, throwing it at Wriothesley.
"You son of a bitch! You scared me, I was hinting at your relationship with him and you were messing with me?!"

Wriothesley then caught the document, as Wriothesley then laughed at Clorinde's reaction while still feeling satisfied that he got to have some fun with Neuvillette earlier.
"Ah, what? Can't take a joke Clorinde? I mean... You're basically trying to ask me if I actually care about Neuvillette, and I do. I actually like him and I would never want to see him depressed."

Clorinde rolled her eyes.
"And I worried thinking that you were with him for sex..."
She said, looking away.

Wriothesley chuckled at Clorinde's words.
"Oh no no, I wouldn't do that. I could never be that kind of person to see a relationship with Neuvillette that involves just sex in it. I do actually care about Neuvillette and I would hate to see him being sad at all."

Clorinde sighed.
"Good thing, you're such a secretive guy that I wouldn't even be surprised if you did that shit."
She said, as she picked up her suitcase that was on the chair in the hallway.

Wriothesley then looked at the suitcase that Clorinde was picking up.
"Wait, where are you going Clorinde? I thought we had to continue with the plan we just discussed."
Wriothesley said this with a confused look on his face, as he would like for Clorinde to stay for a bit longer for this plan to work.

Clorinde walked towards the exit and spoke.
"I'm going home, the plan starts tonight, break into Neuvillette's office, I'll be hidden if something wrong happens."
She said, leaving the Court of Fontaine.

Wriothesley gave one of a disappointed sigh, as Wriothesley would've wanted Clorinde to stay a bit longer just to know the results if this plan will actually work.
"Just make sure that everything goes well when attempting to break into Neuvillette's office then."
Wriothesley just said this with a soft smile as he looked at Clorinde while waving goodbye to her...

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