'Actually, I think I'm starting to see a pair of ears as well, Man isn't my imagination running wild.'

It was at this moment that my brain started to recalibrate itself, reminding me of what I had just muttered aloud. Immediately blush covered the back of my neck while my cheeks started to grow warm.

'It's fine he probably doesn't even know what that means.'

Though I soon started to come back to my senses as I heard the sound of a wolf howl rung through the air. It was strong and hearty in its cry, which sent me in a state of panic.

"It's not safe here, there's -"

"There's no need to worry, I took care of it." The man quickly interjected as I watched the imaginary dog ears flick around. The man came towards me after hiding himself from behind the tree, revealing his bare chest. "What we should really be worrying about is your injury."

"But I just....heard..." My words trail off as his full naked glory stood before me, with no shame might I add. But what struck me wasn't just the fact he was naked, nor the fact he was packing down there, but the fact I saw a fluffy white tail move behind him.

'Is this because I haven't eaten in two days? Am I seeing things? Am I actually just on drugs right now and in a mental hospital?..... No, these days have been too real for it to just all be in my head.'

"Female, please just rest here. Are you anxious because of your injury? Where are your mates, or are you just traveling with some of your clansmen? Were you separated because you were attacked?" The man tried his best to comfort me, but it was clear from his shaken monotone voice and awkward arms that he really doesn't know what to do.

"Just stay where you are!" I shouted before tumbling backward over a root. "A-Are those real!?"

The man looked puzzled while searching for what I could be referring to. He scanned up and down his body, his left and right, and even turned around to see if anything was behind him. "...is what real...?" He quizzically remarked as he looked down at me. "Female, how long have you been alone...?"


I looked at him in fear as I recognized the ears and tail. Those were the same ones the wolf had from before. Does that mean the wolf I heard earlier isn't just a normal wolf?

'So should I act like there are other people with me? He might be dangerous...he isn't even completely human...'

"I've been out here for two days...."

I gulped and averted my eyes. My heart was beating rapidly in my ribcage, threatening to break it from the inside. I probably said the wrong thing already. Should I just keep being honest? It would be obvious that I'm alone soon.

'What do I do?'

"Are you with anyone else?" The man questioned in a soft tone while he knelt at my level. His eyes were never wavering and seemed unreadable now. I bit my lip in frustration with myself as my gut tells me I'm making a dumb mistake.

"No...I've been lost....are you with anyone else?" My voice was meek as I continued to avoid meeting his gaze. I'm stupid, probably, but maybe...he can help me.

"I am. I'm traveling with two other males, both wolves and who have just come of age." The man helped me steady myself by allowing me to hold onto his arm for balance. "Speaking of, I believe the younger of the two is here." His head softly gestured to the bushes in front of us as a brown blur bursts through its branches. The loud crashing sound startled me enough to land myself face-first into the man's chest with little precaution all the while his reflexes moved to catch my stumbling self so my ankle wasn't hurt any further Though I had little time to process being pressed against a naked man when my eyes began to widen at the approaching animal.

Before us was a large hazel-coated wolf with a pair of completely heterochromatic eyes; one being a deep brown while the other was a jewel-like amber. Its fluffy tail swung side to side in rapid movements as it carefully approached the man and me. The wolf was panting and having its ears twitch from left to right with a specific focus on anything that was relatively unimportant at the moment. If it wasn't for the fact that it was a large predator, I would have found him cute.

I promptly pushed myself up and away from the man and focused solely on the wolf. This caused the wolf to freeze in place and its ears to focus straight in my direction. Its tail, however, betrayed any hesitation the wolf was displaying as it swung faster. Its previously panting mouth was now closed but curved into a smile. Confusion hit me.

'Is he going to attack me? You shouldn't look animals in the eye, right? I just did. Am I done for!?'

The man cleared his throat uncomfortably. "This is Corwin, the youngest I was referring to. He's eighteen this season." The man spoke cooly.

My hand was rubbed up against Corwin's soft head as he pushed against my palm gingerly.


"Hi! Nice to meet you, female! What's your name!?"

"Fusk!" My teeth bit down on my tongue as I quickly retracted my hand.

'It talked!'

I regretfully watched as the wolf thing looked at me in sadness. I put some more distance between me and Corwin before speaking.

"I'm... Avery."

Corwin's ears went flat, and a small whine came from him as I put more distance between us. "Sorry... Nice to meet you, Avery." Corwin backed away as well with a hung head. Now I felt really bad.

I opened my mouth to say something but only choked on my words. The wolf's body was suddenly engulfed in a warm orange light before dimming away. What was left behind was a very naked high schooler who looked like a star baseball player. His thick hazel moppy head bounced around in smooth waves while his bright eyes gazed at me. His skin was tanned lightly and glowed in the warm sun rays. He sat in a crouching frog pose, allowing me to see his third leg hanging about unabashedly. Though I managed to draw my focus on his twitching pair of ears on his head as a tail snaked into view.

My face seemed to be permanently flushed at this point. This fellow, Corwin, was still only about an inch away. His ears were saddened, which matched his puppy eyes that seemed to beg me to reconsider my sudden recoil.

"Corwin," the white-haired man spoke sternly. "She is hurt and hungry. We need to take her back to camp and treat her. It seems we are the ones whom she can depend on at the moment."

Corwin flicked his eyes between me and the white-haired man. "Us? Shes-"

"She's been alone for two days with no food," the white-haired man interjected. "But, as males, we should be responsible, shouldn't we?"

Corwin's gaze seemed to soften again as he looked at me. "Oh, you must be starving, don't worry, leave it to me! I'm the best cookout of the three of us wolves!"

"Uh... okay," I unsurely smiled. "Who can say no to free food, am I right?"


Word translations

1) pakimakas: farewell; final goodbye

2) Makisig: handsome

Lost In A Beastworld Rewritten Where stories live. Discover now