Issue #39: Trapped in a Different Plane of Existence!

Start from the beginning

Lanolin: I don't think I'm cut out for this. Gotuce should have been the team leader, he's more experienced in all this......

Tangle: Then...why did you even form the team?

Lanolin:........Desperation? When the badniks attacked my hometown, I was terrified. Until.......Gotuce showed up, and destroyed them with ease. I never wanted to feel so helpless of unprepared again. I didn't want anyone to have to feel that way. But now here we are. I'm not prepared to deal with this. This mission is an utter failure and it's all my fault.

Tangle: First off, we failed together! It was a team effort!

Lanolin: Strangely, that doesn't make me feel any better.

Gotuce came back after sneakily hearing their conversation before speaking up.

Gotuce: You know.......I was always this confident with my power.....

Lanolin looked up to Gotuce in front of her.

Tangle: What do you mean, Gotuce?

Gotuce: When I joined the Time Patrol, it gave me the chance to gor stronger so that I could find the one who........erased my entire universe.

Lanolin: What?!

Tangle: Yeah that was me and Whispers reaction when hearing this.

Gotuce: But this drive to find the killer just kept me angry and made me over push my body to insane limits and to the point of death.........after some rest, Trunks I traduced me to a version of my father who never had a third son and it just crushed me to hear that out of all the timelines out there, my was the only one that had "me" i trained more than anyone, punched harder, attain the level of the gods just so that one day.........I'll have my revenge. This is my drive as I use it to reach even further levels of power.

Lanolin: How can you be so sure?

Tangle: Because we're the Diamond Cutters! We are awesome! And we never give up! Right, Whisper?

Whisper looked at Tangle.

Whisper: 'Why?'

Tangle: Why, what?

Whisper: 'Why "Diamond Cutters". My team. My friends. What I lost.'

Lanolin: Wait, lost? When Tangle said former team, I thought you meant they disbanded after the war.

Whisper: 'No. We were betrayed, destroyed.'

Tangle: I thought......I didn't.......I wanted.

Whisper: 'Just say it.'

Tangle: I'm sorry! I didn't think of it like that! Your old teammates were such close friends! They were so cool and competent! I wanted that for us! So we wouldn't drift apart again!

Whisper was silent as memories of what she endured these past days.

Tangle started to cry.

Tangle: I was caught up in the moment! I'm so sorry!

Whisper: We can always change the team name.

Whisper out her hand up for them to be quiet so that she may continue to speak.

Whisper: 'My old team.......we were there for one another. Our wisps..... they're here for me now......and even though Ive tries to walk away, everyone has been there to support me. Sonic, Tails, Belle, You Tangle and especially you, Gotuce. The only person not trying to help everyone'

Lanolin: I don't know the whole story, but if you were betrayed. I'd understand having trouble trusting others again.

Whisper: 'No. One person hurt me. One person took my friends from me. Not you. Not the Restoration. Just him. It.....will take some time to fully move on. May I ask that you be patient with me?'

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