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over the next few days, ellie and lorelai had been seeing each other at luke's at least twice a day, and had grown a friendship pretty fast. eleanor had agreed to do the flowers for another wedding the inn was hosting, and was bringing the bunches to the inn. this wedding was a double wedding for a set of twins. getting them out her car and handing them to people to take them where they needed to go. eleanor brought the last batch of flowers inside the inn until they needed them. lorelai saw her and finished up the conversation she was having before walking over to her. "thank you so much for doing this." she said to the girl who smiled lightly at her. "you're fine, lor. it's kinda my job" she chuckled teasing her lightly. the pair spoke for a little while, lorelai explaining rory was golfing with her grandfather when ellie asked where rory was.

their conversation was interrupted as the twins who were getting married walked up to lorelai and started to ask questions. "whats with all the purple flowers? what are they doing with them?" bride number one called jackie asked and eleanor raised an eyebrow slightly concerned she'd brought the wrong flowers. lorelai held eleanors arm gently shaking her head at her confused face. "they're just decorating the bridge." lorelai said to the bride. "i didn't want purple flowers, i wanted pink." the second bride, jessica then spoke up "and i wanted blue." eleanor stood awkwardly as she listened to the conversation. "so i thought violet would be a nice compromise." lorelai said to them. "but we paid for pink flowers" jackie said. "and blue flowers." jessica added. suddenly their mom appeared, having been listening in on the conversation. "you did not pay for anything. i told her to decorate with violet flowers and while it's very nice of her to try to take the heat for me it's certainly not necessary. if you don't like it, buy your own flowers." the mother said, causing eleanor to smile lightly and hide her giggles. eleanor was certainly not one for professional talks, hence why she only ran a small business. the mother was met with silence from her daughters "yes, i thought so. now go away. my advil is wearing off." she said shooing the brides away.

"their father spoiled them." she explained to lorelai who shook her head. "they're just excited." the woman rolled her eyes. "they're spoiled, and they won't move away. now disaster list." she started looking at lorelai. lorelai stood up a little straigjter ready to answer questions. "what if it rains?" lorelai replied "we'll put up tents." eleanor zoned out slightly, keeping her eyes on lorelai as she watched her answer all the mother of the brides 'what if' scenarios. ellie was too busy watching lorelai in awe, and admiring her face that she didn't even notice the woman walking away leaving herself and lorelai alone. "ellie?" lorelai said with a slight blush on her cheeks as she noticed the girl staring at her. "oh, uh, sorry." she said quickly looking away from her, her own cheeks heating up. "so i didn't get the wrong coloured flowers then? they had me worried for a moment." ellie asked after she'd gained her composure. "no, honey. don't worry. you're all good." lorelai chuckled and pulled her close her arm around her waist rubbing her arm. she led the girl over to the desk, pulling her behind the counter. "she does not work here, she shouldn't be behind the counter." michel said looking at ellie. "michel shut up." lorelai said with a chuckle. "ellie this is michel. michel this is eleanor." lorelai introduced the two. ellie smiled at michel getting a tight lipped smile back from michel. "lor i should leave, i'm probably in the way." ellie said to the girl who shook her head. "no, stay. we might need more help with the flower arrangements." lorelai said keeping her arm around ellie's waist before looking at michel. "so, any problems?" she asked. "with the wedding or my life?" he asked. "do you stage these events just to torture me?" he added. lorelai nodded. "job well done." he muttered, causing ellie to lean into lorelai's side to hide her laugh.

"okay, let's start again. any problems?" lorelai asked. " guests are checked in, baskets are given out, and 200,000 tons of jordan almonds have been delivered." michel said causing lorelai to nod. "okay good, did rory call?" michel shook his head to her question. "she's golfing all day with my father and i'm half expecting this big 'save me' call to come in" lorelai explained before stopping seeing michel's uninterested face. "you don't care at all do you?" michel looked at lorelai with a straight face. "to me, you are the teacher in the charlie brown cartoon. tell the girl you're forcing to be attached to your hip." he said looking at ellie who flushed red. "rory will be fine." ellie said to lorelai who smiled softly but had removed her arm from her waist at michel's comment.

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