part 1 -

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! characters are not mine! They are from monsta. (And some of them are mine and just fanmade ehek?)

Amato and mechabot just got
back from school. The others already go back home because their busy

"Hmm, i don't understand why they're busy today? They always hanging out after School!" said mechabot with confused look."ehhhh, since when do you care about them hah?"says amato, smirking."E-Eh since when! Im just confuse because they always hanging out with us every day after School!" said mecha with anoyyed face. " yeah your right. " its true, they always hanging out after school but today is the first time they didn't hang out for a while.




"AHHHH HELP!!!!!" there was people screaming and needed help. "Wheres that sound come from?!" says mechabot, amato and mecha follow the sound of the screams that needed help.

"hey we're here what happ-AGH! "Suddenly they got hit after they arrived." Aduh.." mechabot push the bricks away "WOI! WHY DID YOU THROW BRICKS AT US AFTER WE GOT HERE HA?!.. Ha.." "oi mechabot! Help me right here! Why are you frozen all of the sudden?!" says Amato trying to push the bricks on his body

"OI MECHABOT, ISH THAT'S IT *MECHABOT,MECHANIZE!* they transfrom and mechabot is still frozen
" MECHABOT! MOVE YOURSELF AND WHAT IS THAT ROBOT? " the robot walk slowly to them. "T-thats- e-el-elitricon-!" says mechabot with terrified look. "well move i can MECHANIZE with something HURRY " elitricon gave a big shot but luckily they dodge IT just in time.

(Changing it to malay bc i felt like using it :3)

Diorang sembunyi drpd elitricon dan cari bende2 untuk mechanize "weh mechabot, ape aq nak mechanize ni? " " eh tanye aku pulak! Kau kan ade imaginasi, aku ni takde! " kata mechabot dengan muka masam. Selepas 3 minit, amato dah dpt ape yg nk mechanize "ha *mechabot,mechanize!* "
"Mechagun machine!" Tepatnya mase elitricon dengar suara mereka dan terus serang diorang, mechamato tembak badan dan ekor dia tapi dia semangkin besar. "Hah?! Apesal dia jadi besar mechabot!" "Mane aku tau! Sebelum ni aku x tau dia boleh jadi besar!" Elitricon ikat diorang dengan sekelilip mata "alamak.. Kita kene teperangkap " "salah kau la ni amato takde otak suruh aq plak " "eh kau sendiri ckp takde imaginasi panggil aku takde otak pulak! " amato dan mechabot bergaduh-gaduh sampai tak ingat dunia (:/)




"Weh bile kau nk lepaskan kitaorang ni" kata mechabot. Dah 5 jam diorang berikatan "aku nak korang berbaikla " kata si robot elektrik aka elitricon "kita org mmg dah berbaik pun! Lepaskan kitaoranglahh" amato nak lepaskan diri tapi tak berjaya, lagi sekali. "Kau nak aku elektrik korang dua ke ha" "erk.. tak sakit kaann? " kata mecha "weh mechabo-#&#&#&&#&#"(yep, drg kene elektrik :v) "padan muka korang berdua hahahahahhaah" kata elitricon manakala.. Dia tktau amato ada idea untuk masukan dia dlm mechanizer "sedia mechabot? " Amato berbisik kepada mechabot "yep always."




Bla bla bla bla after all that fighting





"Ok! Ok! Aku serah kan diri aku. Jangan cederakan aku lagi! " kata elitricon "oklah, masuk kau ke dalam mechanizer! " elitricon tu tersudut dlm mechanizer




"Weh apesal aku rasa pelik je hari ni...? "

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