part 2 -

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[CHARACTERS ARE NOT MINE! THEY ARE FROM MONSTA! (and some of them are fanmade) ]

Its almost 7:30 am and
amato is still not awake.

*chicken crowed* "aishh whose chicken is that.. " amato look at his clock " ITS ALMOST 7:30? I CANNOT BE LATE FOR TODAY TOO-" said amato grabbing his towel and quickly rushing to the shower room



After shower



Amato rushing to his garage and found mechabot laying there "mechabot! There you are. I was looking for you everywhere! " mechabot didn't respond ".... Mechabot?? " amato look closer to mecha to see if theres something wrong with him. " *yawn* haa amato? What are you doing?? " "ish kau ni! I am late now! Where's my nametag?? " "tuu" point at the blue chicken " "you again! " said amato chasing the blue chicken




Time skip




"Hey pian! Why were u busy yesterday? " no answer. "Piann?? Earth to pian? Hellooo? " still. No answer ( ok thats weird. ) though amato . Although maybe its a good idea if hes talking with anyone but still. No one answer " hey mecha, why all of the sudden everyone ignores me? " "i don't know, probably because your late again " said mechabot with a tired look. Amato smack mecha heads "woi! What was that for? " "for-" "stand up!" amato got interrupted . Teacher jamie is here, damn.




After school





"mechabot." "What?" "Isnt today kinda weird to you? " "I don't know its the same for me" "teacher jamie didn't get mad at me or ask me questions." "So? "  "so thats weird! He always ask so many questions for me! " "weird? I'd say thats good after you got so many yelled at or being questioned" "okay but-" "bad robot, detected" says rubika "huh? Theres robot in this hallway? "They both look at the hallway

Theyre now in the hallway, searching for the robot. " all of the places, this is where you want to find it? What if its not here!"Says mecha with anoyyed look "lets just find it here first!" Mechabot and amato keeps searching for it

"Amato.... Where is ittttt im tired searching for that robot already" "ish kau ni, its only been 10 minutes! " suddenly something small got passed by amato and mechabot "wha-what was that?! "Amato checked his pocket but it was empty."wait- my mechanizer!" The small shadow probably stole it "Hey you give it back! " they chase it and it was dark. They couldn't see what it was, "that robot its too fast amato! It just like champbot! But small! " "we cant mechanize without the mechanizer! Chase him mechabottt" says amato catching his breath "sini kau! i will blast you till your roasted! " mechabot shooting the robot but the robot dodge it.

The robot then stopped, taking something from his bag and- "see you never! " mechabot then blast him.

Amato quickly ran into them, " why did you blast him?!"the robot was small, has a questions marks on the forehead, and a bag in his back, they were all black-ish and a white hands. And no feet. " what? It was easy for me to get the mechanizer! " "whatever give me back the mechanizer" mechabot then gives amato the mechanizer "rubika, what robot is this? "

After a long silence,finally rubika answered "rubika has no information on this robot. " amato and mechabot scream "WHAT?!" "what do you mean you know nothing about this robot! Your the one who detect it! " im sorry! Rubika only detects that it is a bad robot. " "okay.just get into the mechanizer" amato lift his hand and capture the robot but it didn't work. "Wha- why didn't it work?! " amato tried to capture it again but it still didn't work. " maybe lets just capture it in the garage" says mechabot with anoyyed look




[Felt like using malay again]


"Hmm pelikla robot ni, kite pun tak boleh tangkap die. " kata amato sedang tgk robot yg bentuk berbulat dekat meja die

'....' Amato pandang dekat mecha yg sedang main game. Tengok balik ke robot yg mechabot tembak tadi. "Hey mechabot, sbelum aku jumpa kau... Ade tak robot-robot bentuk same macam kau? " mechabot pause game die "entah" "habistu, apesal bentuk robot ni sama macam kau? "

"..... " "..... "

Amato yg pertama patahkan kesunyian "sebelum kau masuk penjara grakakus panggil ka-" "jangan kau sebut nama hodoh tu lagi! "


"Ye aku power sphera, aku rase robot ni pun power sphera jugak tapi.." "Tapi ape? " amato dan mechabot pandang dekat power sphera hitam tu "aku tak tau kuasa dia ape, kuasa aku untuk mechanize " "ohhhhhhhhhh ala ceritakan la pasal power sphera lagi mechabot!" Kata amato dengan mata bulat "tak nak la aku! Aku nak sambung game aku" mechabot sambung game die"






"Mane aku nak letak kau ye?"

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