It was then that the largest man Onida had ever seen grabbed Agnus, they had struggled. But Agnus had lost, being dragged off with a rope around his neck.
Him being swallowed by the crowd.

Mere had tried to pull Aya along, but she had eventually slipped out of her grasp and back up the stairs.

Teddy had continued down the stairs and as they had stepped into the hallway where the men had been staying they had walked right into a scene, a wild fight between several men.
The intruders were simply murdering the man that had taken part in the whole shit show.

The plains man, that also participated, snapping the neck of one of the Ashes.

She had had issue with Mere, outright violently murdering their captors.
But it became horrifically clear that they had exactly the same plans for anyone here.
They had been stuck between two enemy parties.
The men in the hallway and the men giving chase down the stairs.

The participating plains had grabbed Ivana, while they had been dragged away.
The handsome Sand with a sword in his neck and a gleeful man sneering he was going to enjoy this.

"I don't know Siu.." Mere said.

"Two." She replied.

Onida smiled sadly.

The door of the small room slammed open.
A masked man stepped in, many of them wore them.

To hide their identity? Onida wondered.

Mere shot in front of them both.
"Get out!" She barked.

The mask was expressionless but a howling laugh came from behind it, muffled.
"Funny little girl!" he said and grabbed her,
yanking her out of the room and into another man behind her.

"Be careful with that one!" He pointed at his colleague.
Who in reply groped her waist and legs.

Mere screamed, "what are you doing!?"

"Checking if you have weapons up your skirts!" The second man returned.

Onida stepped forward, Siu was a busty and curvy woman compared to any of them.
If they were any kind of excited she was in for a horrific day.
There were only two men.

But he stepped into the room and grabbed Siu by an arm and her by her hair.
She winced in pain while he joked about her being too short to grab anywhere else properly.

They were nearly thrown into the council room.
The large round space usually had tables fallowing the curve of the room on both sides.
These had been demolished and the remains were burning in the middle of the room.

The smoke having a hard time exiting through the ceiling windows in the domed roof.

The big chair that stood where the two tables met, the chair where the One would be seated, was occupied by the gigantic man.
He looked nothing like she had ever seen before.

It looked like the bridge of his nose had been shaved off and the remains stitched together.
He had long but thinning hair that looked permanently wet from grease.
His body was oiled up, like the plains did, which made it shimmer and color red and orange in the glow of the fire.

He looked like the meanest thing, but at the same time the saddest remains of a man.

Sitting there, like he now owned the place.
Like he was king of the regions, because he had taken this chair.
A barbaric and backwards thought process, but one many would be afraid to discredit.

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