102(Arc 11)

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Pulling the high-speed speed all the way up, along with Lilith's expressionless scream, they crashed directly from the metal wall at the top of the tower. It was built on the edge of the continent. In just one hour of flying, he saw several towers towering into the clouds. The clouds were clearly visible outside the transparent resin cover. I don’t know how long it took, Oriola controlled the aircraft to slowly descend.

The place they chose to dock was a curved coast, and a few people were already waiting there. Caesar opened the door of the aircraft, jumped after him towards the light, and after a little thought, he Instead of going forward, he stayed where he was and waited for Caesar to finish talking to them.

"Aren't you coming?"

Lilith stopped beside him and touched the girl's head with a smile towards the lamp.

"Towards, to -"

"Towards the light."

"Your name is so hard to pronounce," she looked up, "not like ours."

"I'm from the East," Chao Deng squatted down and looked at her: "Lily, where did your names come from?"

"Get it yourself," the little girl pouted: "The robot doesn't allow us to have a name."

He responded, someone walked beside him at this moment, and the blond man patted his shoulder: "Do you want to rest? There is a room over there."

"Are you finished?"

"It's over," Caesar wanted to pull him up, glanced at the girl who was holding the lamp holder, the man frowned impatiently: "Lilith, go and play with Oriola yourself. ."

The girl looked at them, pouted and released her hand.

"Caesar, you are so selfish."

"Finally realized, little girl."

Unexpectedly, after turning over the messy reefs, a modern base was built in the huge cave, with Caesar present, and the genetic verification made the base door open smoothly. , When he came out of the bathroom, the man sitting on the bed hooked his hand. Caesar should have just finished washing, and the water droplets that had not been completely wiped slipped down the other side's graceful profile face to the chin, and the wet wolf eyes contained Fascinated by mist, they rarely give the illusion of weakness.

…What’s the matter with this kind of atmosphere! Can a handsome do whatever he wants?

No, he can do whatever he wants.

The headlight slowly moved to the bedside, Caesar suddenly dragged him to the bed, the eyelashes and eyebrows that matched the color of the hair flowed beautifully under the gradually sinking sunset , the face so close at hand was perfect as if it had been calculated, and the man said in a low voice when he saw Chao Deng staring at him.

"I want to kiss you."

The cells were burning in the voice of the Spirit Master. Their postures had already passed the safe zone. Their slender and powerful arms were placed on either side of the head of the lamp. Caesar had done nothing, but he felt that this was better than he had ever experienced. All things are ambiguous.

Caesar's fingers slid along his eye sockets all the way to his lips, his fingers lightly rubbed his lips, and he retracted his body as much as possible towards the lamp, the other party smiled and kissed his forehead .

"Unfortunately I don't have that right now."

He changed his posture, put one hand around Chao Deng's waist and embraced him in his arms. Hard muscle mass, no two adults would do nothing but hug each other on the same bed, he and Caesar were so close now that it was a bit too close, like a pair of lovers who were lingering and tender, the system He and Shard have turned into this handsome and familiar stranger in front of him. He has nowhere to go in this world. As Lilith said, their lives have grown together, and he can't escape.

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