second chance trope (tom's version)

Start from the beginning

Pt 4:
The memory of what had happened during breakfast - the burning jealousy in Tom's eyes, and the softness of his voice as he spoke only one word to you - haunted you down the day, and behind every corner you expected him to be, waiting for you.
Looking back at it, you can't tell how you even managed to pay attention to your classes, but somehow you did. Now, in the calmness of your own dorm, you decide it's time to finally talk to Tom, even though you still haven't figured out if you want to beat his ass or kiss his lips for what he did.
What he did was a act of pure possessiveness; he wanted to make clear that no one is allowed around you, but was that really everything? He could've just demanded everyone to stay away and the would've obliged out of fear. And jet he said - no, not only said, he screamed it into everyone's face that he loves you. And that's coming from a man who states love is the biggest weakness of all and would rather burn alive than to admit that he is weak.
The confusion is alone is hard to bear, but mixed with the sadness and longing and love and anger is impossible to swallow, so you leave your dorm, determined to get answers at least.
The first place you search is the library, where Tom usually spends his time, studying and plotting. He's not there though, so you decide to try his dorm next.
When you enter the Slytherin common room, the first thing you notice is a silence that seems odd since the room is usually packed at this time of the day.
Than you take a turn to the right, to the boys dormitories, and almost get knocked over by a blind figure - the same boy that had approached you in the morning. He looked over his shoulder, but not at you, but at something - someone - behind you.
When you turn around too, you see Tom heading his way, but in a matter of seconds, the blonde haired boy had disappeared.
You are left in the empty common room with Tom standing a few meters away, and you silently debate wether you should go somewhere else to talk or just get this over with, right now and then, when Tom eyes roll to the back of his head and he breaks down.
"Tom!", you shriek and hit the ground with your knees as you fall down next to him, fear clenching your heart. He's laying face down and you barely mange to turn him around, but when you do, your breath catches in your throat. His black shirt is wet, and by the vibrant red all over your hands you can tell it's blood. Tom's blood, you correct yourself as you pull up his shirt to reveal dozens of deep cuts across his torso, blood leaking from them.
It's obviously a spell that caused this, but you don't know which and surely don't know how to undo it, so you try to press against the cuts with the robe you slid off of your shoulders.
Eventually, after a few fearful seconds, Tom regains consciousness, for long enough to murmur two words. "Vulnera Sanentur.", he says, then falls unconscious again.
You have no clue how long ago he had been hit by the curse, or how much blood he had lost, but given how pale his lips are, and how cold his skin under your hands is, you fear you might loose him.
You hastily pull out your wand and repeat the words he said, pointing your wand at Tom's body. Obviously what you did was right, because with your own eyes, you can watch the cuts slowly close and the blood stops flowing.
There's a blanket laying forgotten on one of the armchairs, and you grab it to cover Tom to preserve some of his body warmth with it as you anxiously wait for him to awake again, his head resting on your lap. While you stroke his face, you think about how banal the bet seems now that you almost witnessed the light of life leave the body of the boy you love.

Pt 5 (last part):
Eventually, Tom wakes up around 30 minutes later, groaning as his eyelids flutter open.
You've been eaten up by worry, but let out a deep sigh of relief as you lean over him, stroking his cheeks.
„Tommy.", you say. „How do you feel?"
He groans again. „I've had better days.", he replies and sits up, the blanket sliding down his upper body and revealing his blood soaked shirt. That he does not protest at the nick name is proof enough to his words.
„I can't have anyone seeing me like this.", he mumbles and tries to get up, but due to the massive blood loss, he is too dizzy and can't manage to stand properly, so he falls right back to his ass.
Quickly, you get up and stand in front of Tom, holding out your hands for him to grab them.
"What are you doing?", he asks puzzled.
"Helping you. Come on now.", you say, rolling his eyes when he still hesitates. "Tom, don't throw a tantrum."
Clenching his jaw, he finally takes your hands and let's you help him up. With one arm around his waist to stabilize him, you slowly walk towards his dorm room.
You try to ignore the little splashes of blood on the floor every now and then, but Tom sees you gulp and bite your tongue; he mistakes it for something else. „Sorry you have to do this. I know you don't like me very much right know.", he says.
You stay silent, trying to gather your thoughts. You knew Tom wasn't exactly what one would call affectionate, but still he didn't bother to hide your relationship back then. He didn't exactly make it public, but when someone asked, he called you his girlfriend. And when he was with you, he was considerate and loving. And you can't help but think about how he said that he loves you for the first time, in that corridor after your break up - how he said it thrice, and then again this morning in the great hall, when he said it into everyone's face. The Tom Riddle, that thinks love is for the weakest of the weak actually confessed his love for you in front of the whole school... in his typical Tom Riddle way: possessive and demanding, but with a hint of softness to his voice whenever you are involved.
And then he almost died, or was on his best way to die at least. There was this horrific terror in your heart when you thought you would lose him. A terror that you still can't seem to shake fully.
„I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to.", you finally reply.
Your both panting heavily when you reach Tom's dorm where he wants to collapse at the bet right away, but takes one look at your body covered in his blood and decides otherwise. He pulls a stack of clothes out of his closet and leads you to the bathroom.
„You can take a shower if you want to.", he says. „I'll wait outside."
You nod. „I'll hurry."
When you are clean and dressed again and walk back out of tue bathroom, Tom is already in new clothes and the blood is gone. You don't ask how he did it but sit down on his bed next to him.
A few moments later, he breaks the silence. „You were looking for me, weren't you?", he says.
You bite your lip. „Yes.", you finally say.
You sigh. „Tom-„
„Did I ever tell you how much I regret the bet?", he interrupts you when he sees you're shutting down again.
You only look at him with big eyes.
„I do.", he says, moving a little closer. „I never regretted anything like I regret that. I'm sorry."
One tear escapes from the corner of your eye that he gently wipes away with his thumb. This is a new stage of softness; one you never saw on him before.
Taking a deep breath, you allow Tom to cup your cheek with his hand. „I...was looking for you. I wanted to talk. But than- when you were unconscious, I realized that I still have these feelings for you that I can't shut down and-„
Your words get cut off by Tom's lips on yours. It's a gentle kiss and when he pulls back, his forehead rests against yours. „I meant it when I said I loved you. Every single time. What about you?"
You sigh, your lips tickling from the unexpected kiss. „I love you too. But I'm afraid you're going to break my heart again.", you confess.
He nods. „I understand. But I won't. I'm not exactly a guy for big romantic gestures, and I won't sing songs or write poems, but I will worship the ground you walk on and should I ever again cause heartbreak to you, I will gladly hand you my own wand to let you kill me."
You smile at his words and can't help but think that giving him a second chance was the right decision to make. You've never seen him so vulnerable.
„Let's just make sure I don't have to take you up on this offer, Tom.", you say.

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