second chance trope (theo's version)

Start from the beginning

Pt 2:
Theo went to your dorm at the crack of dawn, determined to be there when you opened your door. He sat down at the top of the staircase and waited for hours, his face hurried in his hands.
Finally, the door opened and he jumped up. He was met with the scathing stare of your roommate.
"What the hell do you want, Nott?", she hissed.
"I need to see y/n."
His tone was stern; he made it known he wasn't going to let her keep you away from him.
Your roommate started laughing to his very surprise. "Well, good luck with that. She left."
Theo's heart dropped. "What do you mean?"
With a bang of anger, your roommate closed the door. "She was so hurt by your betrayal that she couldn't even bare the thought of staying at Hogwarts, so she left. I don't know when she will come back, but she's with her parents."
Everything in Theo screamed to visit you, but he knew if he ever wanted to have a chance of making up, he need to stay away from you until you decide to come back.
And that was the case 16 days later. Your parents dropped you off and you left your luggage next to the Great Hall after being reassured they would be brought to your room.
Nervously kneading your fingers, you enter the common room. When people realize it's you, they fall silent and a few turn around to look at someone you can't see.
A moment later, Theo gets up from an armchair, his eyes finding yours in an instant.
A shiver goes down your spine at this intense gaze, and all you want to do is run away.
Theo hesitates for a second, then slowly approaches you. "Hey.", he whispers.
You nod, unable to say a word due to the lump in your throat. Fuck, how come you've spend 16 days on getting over this and the second you see him, everything comes crashing down?
"I had a dream about you last night."
His words take you aback; you didn't expect that to be the first thing he says.
Theo looks over your shoulder, sighing heavily. "Fuck, I was holding you in my arm in that dream and now I have you in front of me and I know I'm not allowed to hold you anymore. I feel like my heart is getting ripped out of my rib cage."
You close your eyes, desperately trying not to cry, but there's a single tear that escapes anyways.
Without thinking, Theo wipes them away and instantly regrets it when you flinch from his touch. Not because you're afraid he's ever going to hurt you physically, but because it used to bring you so much comfort and now causes a terrible ache in your heart.
"I'm so sorry. For...everything. I convinced myself I was going to give you all the time you need, but fuck me, I can't stay away from you."
You groan, pressing a hand to your chest, where you can feel your heart ripping to shreds at his words. "Theo you can't say that.", you whisper, your voice shaky.
"But I have to. It took me everything not to turn up at your parents doorstep."
You lips are a thin line when you open your eyes again. "Theodore, you caused this mess. It's entirely your fault. You don't have the right to tell me how bad you suffer, because you knew what you were doing." 
Another tear falls from your eyes.
His hands reach out for you out of habit, attempting to comfort you, but then he clenches them to fists to keep himself from overstepping the line you just drew.
"I'm sorry, I know this isn't about me, but how else can I make you realize how bad not being with you is? Fuck, I would give everything I own if that gives me the possibility of turning back the time. And I know this is all my fault, believe me, I really know."
His voice is pressed, and his whole body language gives you no other chance but to believe in his words. If you've ever seen a person regret something, then it's Theo. However, that does not do the job of fixing your heart of rebuilding your trust in Theo.
"I'm desperate to find a way to make you forgive me and I will find a way, if it's the last thing I do."
"I hope you like being disappointed, Theo, because I won't forgive you.", is all you murmur when you push past him and head down the corridor to your dorm.

Pt 3:
Apparently, Theodore Nott is a very pertinacious man. The last few weeks, he tried everything to rip down the walls you hastily hoisted up to shield your broken heart.
From approaching you at more occasions then you can count, cornering you to mumble apology after apology to dozens of gifts left on your doorstep and a pile of heartfelt letters you wasn't able to get rid off, he tried it all.
You felt how it get harder to stay strong with every day passing by, with every encounter. The walls were getting brittle.
Eight weeks without Theo felt like a whole lifetime, and mostly at night you could no longer escape the tormenting thoughts. You really wanted to take him back, and you knew how deeply sorry he was for what he did, but is a relationship supposed to work that has no trust to begin with?
You've spend a lot of time in the courtyard lately, mostly in the darkness of the night, with no witnesses of your inner conflict.
And in the courtyard you are sitting now, caressing the folded paper in your hands. Todays apology letter.
Not aware of the presence behind you, you put the letter aside, pulling out a pack of cigarette from your pocket. After fumbling around, you come to the realization that you forgot your lighter.
"Oh for fucks sake!", you curse to yourself, snapping the cigarette in half and tossing it away. It's just all so frustrating.
You hear a soft chuckle behind you and freeze. Turning around, you see Theo standing in the shadows. Perfectly, just what I needed.
"Need a lighter?", he asks, pulling one out of his jeans pocket. You sigh, but nod anyways. "That's no invitation for you to stay though.", you state, holding out your palm.
The soft smile drops from Theo's face. "I know you come here to be alone. I just wanted to make sure you are okay, but I'll leave.", is his response as he carefully places the lighter in your hand.
You stare at it, swallowing hard.
"Oh come one, it's not that bad. At least you will think of me whenever you light a cig.", you laugh, putting the key back into your pocket.
"It's fucking cheesy.", Theo chuckles, but tracing his finger over both of your initials that you just carved into the metal. A warm expression lays in his eyes, despite the words he spoke.
"Give it to me if you don't want it.", you say, trying to grab it from Theo.
He clenches his first around it. "Don't you dare.", he smiles, playfully nudging your shoulder. "It's mine."
You can't help but to trace your fingers over the T. Looking back up, you realize that Theo already brought a few steps of distance between you.
"Theo, wait!", you shout.
With his back facing you, you can't see the smile that spreads across his lips. He stops.
"I- Do you want to stay?", you ask, biting your lip, waiting for Theo's response.
In a matter of seconds, he falls to his arse, taking a seat next to you in the dewy grass. "No need to ask me twice.", he says.
The silence, only interrupted by the clicking of the lighter, is awkward.
Theo bites his cheek, trying desperately not to bring up anything concerning the bet or the current state of your relationship - or more the nonexistence of it.
You on the other hand try to figure out why in your right mind you asked Theo to stay. After a while, it occurs you that your mind simply is not right with Theo around. Your heart made the decision. Finally admitting to your feeling, the first time in weeks, you say it in your head: I am still in love with Theodore Nott.
Watching him from the corner of your eye, you wonder how you were able to avoid him for so long. It's as if by taking the lighter from him, you gave away the grip on the walls around your heart. It's all a little too much: the realization, the heartache, Theos scent in your nose and the overwhelming emotions.
You finally break the silence. "Sorry, this is probably confusing to you, but...could you please leave me alone? I- I need to think. But...can we talk tomorrow?", you whisper with a rasp voice.
"That sounds great. After classes?", Theo asks, a plant of hope growing in his chest.
You nod and with that, he leaves you to yourself. When you return to your dorm, you find the lighter sitting on your nightstand.

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