Deathcest: not thinking right pt2.

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Smut: I think? It's something

"n-not if he never finds o-out..."
Goth mutters out of breath, weakly sitting up, his arms struggling to hold himself up,
his arms shake, and he weakly closes his legs again.
"Are you alright goth?.. hope I wasn't that rough.."
Reaper looks at his son worriedly.

"N-no, not too rough at all -"
Goth giggles,
"If you were, I would have told you -"
he smiles warmly, still blushing a lot.
"Sighs, you will probably be limping.. Your mom is totally going to find out! A-and oh dear.oh no..why did I do it?!.."
"I'll be limping, that's for sure.."
he thinks for a solid minute

"Mum will be home by Sunday. It's only Friday, plus! If I'm still limping by then, I can just say I was messing around with Palettes brothers, and it escalated into a fight! It's happened before -"
Goth smiles, not caring how wrong what they just did was.

"Goth..don't you understand..I'm fucked..wait.. totally forgot to put a fucking condom on..shit.."
Goth stares at Reaper, and smiles,
"I-I don't really mind or care! It felt nice.."
Goth looks down at his own body, blushing as he squeezes his legs together, feeling his fathers seed deep inside him, causing him to shiver a little in pleasure.

"Goth...oh god, what am I going to do with you."
Reaper sighs once again, feeling disappointed in himself, for fucking his own son..
"can..l have a hug?."
Goth asks, feeling nervous as he opens his arms, looking up at his father, feeling desperate to not make him disappointed.

"... no.." Reaper got up and left the room, going towards the bathroom to take a bath, leaving goth all by himself.

Goth sighs,
"... yeah, figured..."
Goth stood up weakly, groaning a in a lil pain before bending down and picking up Geno's clothes, struggling as he gets dressed again,
then weakly limped out of the room and to his own room, collapsing in his bed, pulling his blankets over himself, and closes his eyes,
not sleeping, just thinking.

Reaper was taking a bath.. he felt disgusted what he did. He should've just left and..not let this happen..
What would geno think about this.. What is he going to do or say if he finds out.

Goth let his mind roam. As reality sinks in, what would be a good way to hide this from his mother?
ne thought of keeping it a secret in hopes that Geno would never find out or lie and say they were both heavily intoxicated and were beyond not thinking if Geno did find out.
He even begins thinking about packing his things and moving in with Palette and his family.

He lays there, opening his eyes and staring at the ceiling, unsummoning his ecto body as he considers his opinions for if Geno finds out and is thinking of the chances of Geno finding out.

25 minutes later

Reaper was finally done. He gets out of the shower, grabs a towel, and starts to dry himself.. he put the towel around his waist and went back to his room, he sees that Goth wasn't there anymore. he puts on clothes and heads towards Goths room..
he knocks before entering.
"Hey..,I'm sorry about earlier... but you have to understand what we did was unacceptable.."
Goth looks at Reaper, then back at the ceiling.
"'s okay... you have nothing to apologise for... was in the wrong to... that's why I'm thinking of ways to avoid us getting in trouble for a one-time stand..."
".. Goth...I still love you, you are my everything, my son..and I don't want to lose you too.."
Reaper walked towards Goth... he was now in front of him as he laid down on his bed. "Does..does anything hurt..."

"Nah... just everything from the waist down, and my 'stomach'..."
Goth said before sitting up, groaning at the slightest movement.
"Oh....I'm sorry.."
Reaper sat on goths bed,
" should go take a bath."

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