Deathcest: not thinking right.

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Inspired by an RP.


the day was quiet, and Geno was spending some time (bare with me. That's my main excuse for Genos' absence)
with his brothers [Error and Fresh] for the weekend, so it was just Reaper and Goth home, though it's mainly Goth, considering Reaper has a job of reaping souls.

Goth was in the kitchen by himself, making himself a drink of Milo!
The silence of his own home was practically driving insane to the point that he was now beginning to dress in his mother's clothes and doing his mother's day to day chorse.

Reaper, who just came back from reaping souls, unlocked the door of his home with his keys.

He opens the door and comes inside the house.
He sees Goth, who is in the kitchen doing something.

he closes the door behind, puts his scythe in the corner of the living room he smiles and walks over to goth..
"Hello goth.where's Geno?." Reaper asks quite curious because it was the third time he hadn't been home.

Goth jumps in shock and looks at Reaper
"Oh- he went to spend time with Uncle Error and
uncle Fresh!"
Goth says, looking away from Reaper, utterly humiliated in himself for being caught being dressed and acting like his mother.

"Heh, did I startle you." Reaper chuckles. "Nice outfit.. you look so much your mom. You should be proud, cause his pretty good looking like your self Goth.."
"Mi mi mi mi!"
Goth mimics Reaper the same way Geno does,
"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Whatever, I just feel happier being close to my mum even when he isn't here!"
he giggles, stiring his Milo.

Reaper laughs at goth mimicking he sees that Goth is making himself milo
"Goth, isn't it like 6th time you drink milo..Y'know just because your mom isn't here doesn't mean you can drink all the milo that you want."

"You live on coffee, I live on Milo. Both help insomnia! I'm just like ya, dad!"
Goth sips his Milo to test the temperature and flavour, the takes a mouthful,
"Yeah.. but coffee is different. It doesn't have sugar
although your as your cool and responsible dad, that cares for your safety.. no more Milo until next month.."
"Okay, but coffee has caffeine, and Milo doesn't. Caffeines are a legal drug."
Goth smirks.
"True yes.. but I work, you don' helps helps me buy you milo gothy.." Reaper smirked back.
"Milo motivates me to do mums chores! Without that, this house would be disgusting!"
Goth smiles, placing his hands on his hips, reaper rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say gothy..or should I say my new wife." Reaper laughs.
"Ew!! I'm your son!"
Goth laughs, taking it as a joke.

"Mhm, I know~ but you act like if you were my wife.. sighs do you when geno is coming back. It's already the third time this week.. and feels
lonely when he isn't here." Reapers' mood changes into a sad one,
"It's Friday. He'll probably return on Sunday or Monday,"
Goth finished his cup of milo.
"Eh..who cares anyways, it's not like he pays attention to me anymore.." Reaper crosses his arms.

Goth chuckles,
"With two kids, busy job, and a failing marriage, you've become a miserable man, dad!"
"Ha ha ha..very funny goth..go clean the fucking dishes.." Reapers tone sounded mad..but his mad because it's true..and he feels worthless about it.

Goth falls silent and walks over to the sink, beginning to scrub the dishes clean with a cloth and hot soapy water.
Reaper looks at goth as he washes dishes.. he looks so much like pretty so delicate.but..he
shouldn't think about those stuff, especially because he is his son..
reaper sighs.
"I'm sorry, Goth, for..yelling at you, it's not your fault. I just get mad easily.."
"... don't worry about it..".
Goth mumbles in response, not looking away from the dishes as he cleans.
"I..uhh can order pizza if you want.. and maybe watch movies together.. what do you think?.."
".. don't bother..I'l probably just head to Palettes after this..."
Goth places the dishes on the drying rack.

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