It didn't take us long to get back to her place, and soon she was letting me into her familiar apartment. We quickly showered and readied ourselves for bed, and as I walked up the stairs to join her I felt my pulse quickening. I should've been used to it by now; I knew nothing was going to happen. I didn't expect anything to anyway, so why the hell was my heart pounding like I just ran a mile?

I crawled into her bed, coming close to Drew to feel the warmth she always had that I was so accustomed to. Besides the whole Jada situation everything had gone perfect tonight, including the recital. The response had been outstanding and leaving NYU felt right now, as if I had accomplished everything I needed to there.

I heard Drew's soft voice, "So, what's next?"

I narrowed my eyes in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Well, you're done with classes and everything so I was wondering where too now?"

With the recital and school I had completely forgotten to mention my upcoming internship I had scored with one of the sponsored NYU dance companies for children. It was the one thing I was actually interested in, and not only had I filled one of the three available spots, but so had Maria.

I smiled, "Me and Maria got an opportunity to teach at one of the dance companies funded through the university. It's for children, and I start in January."

I could tell Drew was happy I had this opportunity, "Do you know what your work schedule will be like or...?"

I shook my head, "Not yet, but I'm sure it won't be too much."

"You never know," Drew informed, "They might see you're really good and ask you to take over completely."

I laughed quietly, "I couldn't do that, besides... I have that waiting for me at home."

I saw something in Drew's demeanor change, as if she had suddenly thought of something that disturbed her. I could tell she wanted to talk about it to, so I waited patiently.

She exhaled, "Speaking of home... Are you planning on seeing...?"

"Yes," I confessed, knowing she was talking about Ashley. She looked hurt, but I quickly tried to reassure her, "Because you and I both know closure is what I need from her. You don't have to worry about anything, Drew, I promise."

She softened up a little bit but I could tell it was still touchy for her. She was insecure over my ex, and she had no reason to be, but I knew insecurities weren't something you could fix overnight. All I could do was use time to prove to her I wasn't going anywhere, even if I physically was leaving for a week. I had absolutely no intention on cutting Drew out of my life and replacing her with my ex.

"Will you tell me how it goes?" She asked, and I heard some vulnerability in her voice. Usually Drew was so guarded and cautious; it was weird hearing her talk like this.

"Of course I will," I confessed, taking her head in my hands. I needed her to know that Ashley was nothing but someone I used to know, and she would remain that for the rest of my life. "Drew, I don't care if she may still want me, and I don't care if I have history with her. That's all it is – history. You've got to believe me, okay?"

If I Fall (GirlXGirl)Where stories live. Discover now