Chapter 5

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Samuel waited for Jackson in the stairwell. It was precisely 7:30 pm, when his friend entered through the door to his left. Always right on time. He smiled and dipped his head in acknowledgement. As his small frame leaned against the wall, he noted the shift of stale air with Jackson's entrance, and his eyes were drawn to the lights that flickered above and glowed with a fluorescent green haze. A small chill crept up Samuel's spine as he peered down at his phone in his hand. A sense of knowing told him who the sender was before he even received the familiar buzz.

It was the Department. Dispatch sent a text.

"They have arrived", he said mostly to himself. It was no question where his chill came from, the Department always put him on edge. He had mixed emotions about this particular group. Whenever they were around, he felt as if his skin was melting from his body, as if he were walking through fire to purge any sin he may or may not have. It was discomfort on another level, and he always wondered what purgatory they brought because he always felt clear and level headed once they left their wards. The Department was an enigma that Samuel didn't understand, one he didn't want to understand. Samuel was grateful their interactions with the Department were minimal as they tend to hide in the shadows, and come only to do protection wards from demon possession and demon extractions.

The Department had similarities to Jackson. There was an uneasy sharp edge to them that they had in common. When you were near them, your senses were on high alert, a flurry of anxiety would settle gently in your chest as a flutter of butterfly wings and then it would leave as quickly as it came. Samuel didn't like to think about the similarities of Jackson's and the Departments other gifts, so he kept himself ignorant until the time was necessary for Jackson to educate him. Or rather, when God felt like he was ready to impart new missions for him.

Unlike his friend, however; these beings were religious. It was an odd combination, a juxtaposition of religious practices and the occult, but he knew from his own experience how one could be religious and have different practices. It was what God placed on his heart. His life's mission was to bring the unholy to God for cleansing, but to aid Jackson, if he were to continue on is actual purpose. Unfortunately, Jackson was hiding from his true nature, the one that would bring evil to God's wrath for complete destruction. His friend wasn't ready.

He would not rush him, and he was not one to judge.

That was up to The Heavenly Father, and thank God for that.

He sighed from anxiety.

Perhaps it was the demons inside them that caused his nerves to fray. He never said anything to Jackson, but his friend's "gifts" made him nervous on occasion. In all fairness, Jackson already knew this, but It was just one of those things that nobody talked about. His friend understood, and didn't hold it against him. He hoped one day that he could overcome this feeling with Jackson, and tonight seemed to be a good start. Samuel felt more at ease with Jackson's demons than he did with The Department. He knew all too well how his friend could control his gifts, and there were tells when he was losing authority over the demons. Certainly it was a seldom slip when Jackson lost control, but it was his responsibility to help Jackson rein them in. Something that he didn't take lightly. He knew God put him here for Jackson.

They both waited in silence in the small stairwell, and as time ticked by, each minute grew slower by the second. Darkness crept around the men's ankles and stretched up the walls around them, encumbered by the small room. The air shifted once again, but at this moment, a putrid aroma caught in the back of Samuel's throat. Jackson, still silent, watched Samuel as the light in his eyes darkened as the door a floor above them opened to frame a trio of shrouded figures. Jackson moved towards the leader of the group, still not speaking, while Samuel trailed behind, praying. A quick movement startled Samuel and he stopped. He felt his stomach lurch at the uncomfortable pause.

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