Chapter 1: The Interdimensional Greeting

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"Hey, Boss," said Nimona, smiling.

"Oh.  Hey, Nimona," said Ballister.  "I got you a little something."

"Really?  What is it?  Did you finally kill someone?" said Nimona, evilly smiling.

"What?!  No!" said Ballister, who wasn't upset but was just confused as to why she would say that, since he really isn't a murderer.

"Oh.  Then, what is it?" asked Nimona, a little disappointed but still curious.

"Here it is," said Ballister as he happily shows Nimona his interdimensional portal ray.  "Surprise!"

"Woah..." said Nimona, amazed but also confused.  "What is that?"

"Well, I'm glad you asked," said Ballister, chuckling.  "It's a new interdimensional portal ray.  I built it myself as a gift for, well, both of us.  You see, I found a rock that was apparently on sale and the store clerk, who gave it to me for free as a reward for saving the kingdom, calls it the Dimension Stone."

"Dimension Stone?" asked Nimona, who was very confused.  "Sounds like a dumb name if you ask me."

"You ain't wrong," said Ballister, agreeing with her.  "But basically, this should let us teleport to any dimension we want."

"Ooh.  I love the sound of that," said Nimona, excitedly.  "Shall we try it?"

"Sure.  After all, it would be nice to test it out," said Ballister, smiling.

So, they head outside the hideout and Ballister looks through the settings to see which dimension to visit.

"Wow.  So many interesting dimensions we could try and visit," said Ballister, looking through the ray's LED dimension option touch screen.  "There's the Mushroom Kingdom, there's Retroville, there's Imp City, there's Copper 9..."

"Oh, boss.  Can we try that one?" asked Nimona, pointing at the "Los Angeles, California" option on the screen.

"Uh... Sure.  We can try that," said Ballister, who saw it and thought it looked very interesting.

So, after pressing the "Los Angeles, California" option on the screen, and pulling the trigger, Ballister shoots something red at a tree, which soon turns into a red interdimensional portal.

"Huh.  It actually worked.  Sweet," said Ballister, very impressed.  "You ready, Nimona?"

"I was born ready," said Nimona, very excited to go.

So, Ballister and Nimona walked through the portal and when they came out of the other side of the portal, they stepped on a paved road and ended up in Los Angeles, California: A beautiful city with a lot of buildings and cars.

"So, this is Los Angeles, California, eh?" asked Ballister, who was very impressed by what he saw.

"Yeah.  Looks very metal," said Nimona, who was also very impressed.

Suddenly, a car comes by, and Ballister and Nimona move out of the way.

"Woah.  That was a close one," said Ballister, who was relieved they didn't get hit.

"Uh... Boss?" asked Nimona.  "Am I the only one who saw a wolf, a snake, a shark, a piranha, and a tarantula... in that car?"

"Huh.  Now, that you think of it, it did look like that," said Ballister.

Meanwhile, with the car full of animals, it reveals to be none other than a group of criminals known as The Bad Guys, with Mr. Wolf, Mr. Shark, Mr. Snake, Mr. Piranha, and Ms. Tarantula.  They just finished up doing another heist, but this time it was to rescue some stolen kittens and bring them back to the local pet store.

Shapeshifting Heist (The Bad Guys VS Nimona)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt