Chapter 85

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Chase's POV

"Ugh! Where the fuck is he?!" I shouted into one of my living room cushions.

It was already the third day of my heat and there was no signs of Juno coming back home. I've been stuck here alone, suffering through my heat in total and complete isolation.

Mimi mind-linked me last night that they were on their way back, but it was already noon the next day now! I seriously doubt it took that long to travel back, and shouldn't he be running the fastest he can to come back by my side?

I didn't want to get in my head and start thinking bad thoughts so I just groaned loudly as I felt my ass start to get wet again.

I heard a big roar outside, signaling it was thundering now and that it would start raining here now soon. I guess the storm took a while to travel this direction but that didn't make me feel any better. I usually liked the rain but right now wasn't the time for me to be happy about the weather.

Maybe that's what held them up? It was going to start raining before they fought days ago so maybe the trails got muddy or flooded?

"Fuck I don't even care why he's late anymore! I just want him back home!" I cried out louder as I readjusted my position on the couch.

I had my face down in the cushions and my ass wiggling in the air now as I felt the neediness of my heat increase.

For three days I've been getting myself off by masturbating but nothing felt satisfying. Three whole damn days.

After having sex with him, nothing could compare anymore. My fingers weren't long enough to reach the places he rammed into. I couldn't even touch my chest like he did no matter how hard I tried.

I felt bad since I knew he was going to come home tired but I needed him so badly right now that I didn't know what to do. He fought against another Alpha so surely that took a lot of energy away from him.

Should I just go lock myself up in my room? I didn't want to cause him any more trouble...

"Ugh fuck." I groaned out as I let my hands snake down to my dick.

I stroked it gently, and just the slightest touch made my body shake with pleasure.

I panted as I thought about Juno's hands on my body and whimpered as I recalled all the times he kissed me. I missed him so much and I wanted him to get here fast.

I stroked myself harder as I pictured that hungry look he had in his sexy blue eyes the night he marked me and I moved my hips on my own to seek more pleasure.

It felt so good but it wasn't enough.

Just imagining him busting through the front door and seeing me like this was getting me hornier too. It made me wonder what look he'd have on his face as he watched me pleasuring myself.

I'd moan his name in an attempt to seduce him further and try to stretch myself out as he watched me.

"Shit." I cursed as I felt myself cum strongly.

My body shook with pleasure as I came but I still felt disappointed and dissatisfied. No matter how much I came I would just end up rock hard again so it was painful.

I'd rather Juno come home to a clean house but frankly, being left alone this long while in heat, I couldn't help but trash the place.

I knocked over a few pieces of furniture when I first came home since I was so needy I started just jerking off everywhere.

I think I did it in the kitchen a few times, my room upstairs, on the actual stairway, in the shower, then I got too tired of moving around that I've just been in the living room taking care of myself now.

I picked my head up from the cushions and looked towards Juno's bedroom in thought.

It smelt like him the most in there but I refused to go in there still without his permission. I trashed the house looking for anything that smelt like him too, maybe that's what he meant by nesting before; but I couldn't find enough items.

Everything was in his room! His clothes, his blankets, his boxers, everything! Even his dirty hamper because I couldn't find a single clothing item of his where our laundry unit was.

I groaned in frustration as I felt my dick get hard again and the rain start to pour.

I forced myself off of the couch and made my way upstairs to my room as I felt my ass continue to leak.

My body and mind was ready for him to come back home so I can pounce on him, and despite me really wanting to; I decided to just lock myself into my room.

He already went though enough with fighting Archer and going to rescue me, I doubt he wanted to come home just to help me deal with yet another issue.

Once I was in my room, I locked my door behind me and plopped down on my bed.

I was already naked so I didn't have to kick off any clothes, and I looked under my bed to see if I still had a box of my toys down there.

To my surprise, I did and I squealed happily at the sight of it.

I've been using nothing but my hands this entire time but a few of my sex toys might help me out better, or at least somewhat satisfy me with my mate away.

I pulled the box out quickly and popped off the lid to see what I had to work with.

Lucky for me my shoulder healed quickly so I didn't have to worry about getting too crazy, and all that was left was a scar.

It was super noticeable, especially on me since I always dressed lightly; but it wasn't going to bother me much in the future.

But right now I had no time to focus on my scar. I was getting hornier again as I looked over all my toys and thought about which one could help me out the most right now.

As crazy as it sounds, I think being in heat alone might be a good thing for me? Like I remember Juno saying he wasn't ready to move quickly so if I'm able to just fight through these alone, maybe it would help lessen his burden more?

He was really fixated on everything his dad was putting in his head, and I believe without a doubt when he gets home, he's going to want to bond with me. Not because he wants to, just to prevent another situation like the Archer one from happening again.

And I kept telling him to ignore what his dad said and just go at his own pace, but I seriously doubt he's going to listen to me after everything that happened.

I shook those thoughts away and grabbed my favorite toy to help me do the job, before grabbing some more lube to help me.

I didn't really need condoms in the past so I still didn't have any; and I also didn't need any lube since my ass was practicing taking care of that part for me, but it just felt like the right thing to do!

I lubed up the girthy blue dildo and felt some drool escape my mouth as I eyed it.

I laid down on my bed with it in my hands and before I could even put it in, I heard the front door slam open followed by the sound of the thunder and loud wind outside echo through the house.

Which meant the thing I was waiting for the most happened.

Juno was home...

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