Start of the Journey!

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After passing through the big door, Kris and Ralsei find themselves on a road surrounded by trees with leaves as red as embers and with that the real adventure begins, and they continue through the open field.

As they walk a little further they find a small sign that says "Hey, don't read this sign! It's a work in progress! (Signed, Lancer)"

- That was a bit unnecessary - says Ralsei

- I agree

When looking to the side, the duo notices that Lancer was right next to the sign and looks at them with a playful look as he speaks:

- Ho ho ho... look if they aren't my two favorite people, either! You two aren't even in my top 5!

- Lancer! Where's Susie? - Ralsei asks with a troubled look.

- You mean the purple girl? Ho ho ho... - he gives a big smile - you fools! You guys are too late to stop me!

- What did you do? - Ralsei asks curiously

- I also want to know - Kris questions him

- Hahaha... it was SO simple! She defeated me, so I ran.

- That was a bit anticlimactic - Ralsei says with a slightly irritated look.

- I expected more - Kris complements Ralsei, still with his monotonous expression

- Are you just going to stand there? I thought you'd at least run to the right

- Why?! The purple girl is there!

Kris just rolls his eyes and goes on his way. On the way, the duo finds a small tree with star-shaped fruits and upon seeing this, Kris asks Ralsei:

- What is that?

- That? They are dark candies!

- Are they edible?

- Yes

Kris leans over a little and takes two candies from the tree and hands one to Ralsei and they eat some together:

- Hmmm they are very good! - Ralsei says while he eats.

- I agree... they remind me of my mother's sweets...

- Your mother must be a great cook!

- She is, her pies are incredible.

- Someday I'll make you something to eat too.

- I would love to see how you cook.

They both smile at each other and the journey continues until they meet Lancer again, and he warns them:

- Hey! If you go that way, my troops will dismantle you.

- Was that a threat? - asks Ralsei.

- I prefer to see it as an invitation

They just ignore it and move on.

A few meters later they find a yellow person with a triangular shape crying next to a destroyed cake and they go to him to question him:

- Mama mia! I'm Top Chef! My last cake made me try my hardest! So I took a little nap... but, mama mia! A chilling noise woke me up! A beast was on the table, eating the cake like an animal! I sprayed her with water and she ran! But my wonderful cake...

As the man laments, Ralsei turns to Kris:

- Aww, Kris, that sounds like Susie! We must be going the right way!

- It's something she would do, it's definitely her.

- Well, let's try to keep her out of more trouble!

- I don't think it will help.

On the way they pass a small puzzle, but continue moving forward until they find a sign saying: "Behold, the Maze of Death! Prepare to get LOST, clowns!!! (Signed: Lancer)". They both just roll their eyes and continue walking and find the body of something on the ground that looked like some kind of enemy, but it looked like it was hurt, but it wasn't anything serious.

Continuing through the "Maze of Death" Kris and Ralsei find a small chest and when they open it they find a white hair ribbon and Ralsei says:

- That ribbon is armor, Kris! It increases your defense, why don't you try putting it on, I think it would look good on you - He says with a smile on his face.

Kris analyzes the ribbon for a few seconds until he leans over and puts the bow on Ralsei which makes it look really cute:

- K-Kris? Are you giving it to me? - he blushes and looks down for a few moments.

- It looks better on you.

- Wow, thanks...

Kris smiles and they continue the path to the end of the maze where they find Lancer:

- Ho, ho, ho apparently they managed to get through the maze, well let's see how you face this team!

Soon, 3 Hathys appear, blocking the path! But soon Kris and Ralsei find their weakness and praise them.

- You are beautiful - says Kris

- We don't need EXP, just finding your smile is enough

Kris feels something strange, but ignores it and the creatures attack, but nothing happens, so Lancer invades the battlefield shouting:

- Hey! Why aren't you being dismantled?! You are outnumbered!

- You made a team purely with support enemies - responds Ralsei

- That was kind of stupid - Kris adds to Ralsei's response.

- That was a bit... unusual - Lancer had a bit of a surprised look on his face.

- Why don't we talk about this AFTER the battle - Ralsei says slightly irritated which makes Lancer leave quickly

The battle is over in a few moments:

- Good job, Kris! We gained 0 EXP and 84 gold!

- Cool! And how much do I earn? - Lancer invades the battlefield again with a smile on his face.

- You... lost Lancer. You gain nothing.

- That was kind of obvious.

- Ah - Lancer looks down a little disappointed - Can I have some of yours?

- No! - Ralsei promptly responds.

- It's OK! See you later, losers!

Lancer runs out and the duo face each other:

- I can see that this is going to be a recurring thing - Ralsei complains

- Probably yes.

A few meters ahead they meet Lancer again:

- Hey! - Lancer greets

- I thought you were just going to run away.

- Yes, I ran away.

Ralsei rolls his eyes and they continue on their way.

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