Chapter 13 Future Quirk

Start from the beginning

Shoto: What happened?

Midnight: Well I don't know the full story but I was walking to the School to grade the tests when I heard screaming coming from the dorm so I ran in and saw Izuku on the floor screaming in pain because of his head and his ears, I don't know what could have caused it though

Shoto: That type of thing doesn't just randomly happen to someone, maybe something happened yesterday

Toru: Well when I walked in yesterday afternoon I saw Bakugo blast Izuku in the face with an Explosion so he must have knocked him out!

Shoto: What the hell Bakugo!?!

The rest of the Class then looked at Katsuki as he was making his way towards the kitchen. Katsuki didn't care enough to look at them

Momo: Why must you be so Violent towards Izuku!

Tenya: Bakugo was that really necessary!?

Midnight: Bakugo that's uncalled for and unacceptable

Katsuki: Piss off ya damn extra's! If your so mad about him being knocked out by an explosion then who's next!? Speak up dumbasses!!!

Midnight: Katsuki Bakugo! That kind of language is unacceptable and will not be tolerated!

Katsuki: Grrrr! What the hell did you ju-

Eijiro: Sorry about him Ms. Midnight he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, come on Bakugo let's get something to eat

Midnight then stood up as Shoto helped Izuku stand up, Izuku was so tired that he could barely keep his eyes open. Izuku felt his legs about to give out from how much the pain from his head took out of him, Izuku just wanted to know how the hell he ended up on the couch.

Shoto: You okay Midoriya?

Izuku: Y-Yeah I think so, I just wanna know how I ended up on the couch

Shoto: When we walked in yesterday we saw you on the couch so we figured you had fallen asleep

Izuku: Wait so I didn't go to the Hospital at all?

Shoto: No, you must have been dreaming because you wouldn't have been here when we got back yesterday

Izuku: M-My body

Shoto: What about it?

Izuku: I-I can't move my arms or legs, my body is completely numb even though I slept

Shoto: It was probably from the head pain and screaming, you must have screamed so much once the pain got worse that you didn't realize that your bodies energy was slowly draining

Izuku: I-I'm getting dizzy, Wait No! Light headed

Shoto: It's okay Midoriya just hang on, Sato I need your help getting Midoriya to his room

Sato: Got it

Shoto and Sato then helped Izuku to his room as Momo followed them, Midnight then left quickly. Izuku couldn't quite put his head around it, he was confused about the dream he had. He was confused of how it could be a dream when it felt so real, but one thing made him more intrigued. In his dream he saw someone standing in the next to a tree while messing with some type of tentacle like Quirk in his hand while looking at him, he watched as the person walked behind the tree vanishing no where to be seen. Izuku knew that he would have to tell All Might immediately, Once Shoto and Sato laid Izuku down on his bed Sato laid some candy on Izuku's tiny desk next to his bed while Shoto adjusted the temperature in the room with the thermostat before they left. Momo laid down beside Izuku and fell asleep hugging his arm, after a few more hours Izuku immediately woke up sitting straight up when he heard something in the room. He heard his phone ringing and picked it up, he then answered it to hear Sir Nighteye talking to him.

Izuku: Sir?

Nighteye: Sorry to bother you Midoriya but I just wanted to call and let you know that I've came up with a plan to raid the Hissakai hideout, I will need you to wake up The members of Fatgums agency and Ryuku's Agency around 6:30 AM because this is a mission only certain people can know about it

Izuku: Yes sir

Nighteye: Good

Nighteye then ended the call as Izuku put his phone back down on his desk, he then looked behind his shoulder to see Momo still sleeping. He then quietly walked out of his room and downstairs to the kitchen grabbing him a cup of water, he then sat down on the couch as he remembered Eri's face before she went back to Kai. He couldn't stop blaming himself, he knew he could have saved Eri that day but didn't know what Kai might do to get her back. He then sighed as he knew from now on that Katsuki would be in the lounge with him and All Might discussing One for All since Katsuki figured out Izuku had One for All and it was passed down by All Might, Izuku couldn't stop thinking about that day still. It didn't matter if he tried to think positive or happy thoughts because that memory would find it's way to disturb it, Izuku then felt someone wrap their arms around his neck from behind as they laid their head on his shoulder.

Izuku: Momo?

Momo: Mhhh...five more minutes..

Izuku: Momo go lay back down and rest

Momo: Noo...just five more minutes..

Izuku: Come on let's get you back to bed Momo

Izuku then stood up as Momo yawned, He then watched as Momo wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist as she laid her head on his chest. Izuku then carefully started walking back up the steps, once he got inside his room he slowly laid Momo back down on the bed and laid beside her covering himself up with his Blanket. He then covered Momo up with the blanket too and fell asleep again.

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