chapter 11

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the maggot yells at beatrice ''you disgusting piece of filth! i would not crawl through your entrails!''

policemen come and they lift up beatrice, carrying her away. this doesn't please the dead.

paul the head waiter yells next to me ''we should have him! he hurt our friend!'' elder gutknecht speaks ''it's their world, their rules, he is living'' the maggot scoffs ''not forever...'' then the black widow calls after beatrice ''we'll be seeing you''

amid all the chaos, i watch as emile simply walks away. victor stands next to me and says ''..i feel terrible for him.. so much to lose'' i sigh as i watch him stride away ''i think he's finally free'' i sigh sadly about what could have been.. i run after him.

village footbridge - dawn ;;

emile crosses the bridge alone, soon he is obscured by the fog flowing around him. i follow closely behind.

forest - dawn ;;

i watch as emile moves through the trees, his tailcoat catches against the bark. he twists back on himself, slowly spinning, caught up in the gossamer threads. before long, the threads have wrapped around him like a cocoon. i step up next to it ''..emile?''

he's completely hidden inside, then the cocoon starts to vibrate... a metamorphosis is clearly occurring. suddenly, the cocoon breaks open.

one hundred brilliant butterflies emerge, rising in the wind, my eyes follow them as they fly... their journey takes them back to...

village square - day ;;

...where a wedding is taking place.

i slide a ring over victor's finger, as we lean in for our kiss, we both notice the butterflies overhead.

we watch them for a moment, somehow knowing. my eyes well with tears ''oh emile..'' i look towards the ground silently thinking 'maybe in another life we'll be together my love'  i sigh and look back to victor, slowly smiling at him.


corpse bride ;; gender swapWhere stories live. Discover now