chapter 1

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i hum and look up from my sketchbook as i analyse the colourful patterns on the butterfly's wings as it frantically flutters in the glass dome prison i've captured it in, i sigh and say as if the little butterfly can understand me ''do not worry little butterfly, you'll be released soon enough'' i smile and examine my sketchbook ;; the colours that make up the patterns on it's wing's, are drawn in miraculous detail on a large sketch pad. as i add tiny finishing touches to my sketch. i'm finally satisfied with my work i then lift a glass bell jar ;; the butterfly hastily escapes, and flits around my room and swiftly out of my open window. i rest my head on my hand while i look out the window, gazing across the town ;; the streets are cobblestone. the architecture is cold and severe. i sigh 'such a grim place... the butterfly is the only really colorful thing in view i suppose' i continue to look out to see the stiff-looking townspeople walk along -- nodding very formally, and without warmth, when they pass each other. i shake my head 'would a smile kill you people?'

my ears perk up as i hear the church bell chime, the town crier strides into the square and rings his big hand bell. he yells out across the town ''four o'clock and all's well!'' i wince from his volume then swiftly dismiss his cries and my eyes follow the butterfly yet again ;; as the butterfly floats along a line of shops, i see the shop keepers doing little chores ;; the green grocer ... arranging fastidious little piles of withered onions. the watchmaker ... checking and re-checking the large clock that hangs in front of his shop. the baker ... wearily adding another plain brown loaf to the pyramid that stands in his window. each loaf as dry and flavorless as the next. the butcher ... whose arm rises and falls mechanically, filling the air with a constant chopping sound. the seamstress ... sits among bolts of cloth, all shades of gray. her sewing machine chugs along. i watch as the butterfly floats off.

i sigh as i'm brought back to reality -- i'm being forced into an arranged marriage... how can my life get any more controlled by my parents? my mother ;; maudeline everglot, an imperious victorian matron with extremely high hair and an imposing bosom -- she's always been quick to discipline me... we have never had a proper mother-daughter relationship i suppose. my father on the other hand... finis everglot -- a round man with frown... i cannot recall the last time i've ever had a conversation with him.

i stand up from my desk as i hear three gentle knocks from my bedroom door, i stride over and swing open the door to see ;; my elderly maid, hildegarde. i adore her, she's been more of a mother to me than... well, my biological mother. i smile warmly to her ''hello again hildegarde'' she smiles weakly ''hello miss anna..'' hildegarde has been slowly withering away due to her old age and i freely quite guilty having her help me get ready.. she clears her throat ''i'm here to help you get ready for your practice wedding ceremony miss anna'' my smile fades away from my face ''.. oh yes, thank you hilde'' i turn away from her and station myself infront of the mirror to make it easier for her, she hobbles over to me, holding a heavy corset made from silk and lace that i'm dreading putting on -- oh how i loathe them. hilde stands ready to assist me in the intricate ritual. i slip into a lightweight chemise, feeling the cool fabric against my skin. hilde gently loosened the laces of the corset as i watch over her, her touch sending shivers down my spine. my room was filled with the soft rustling of fabric as i position myself in front of the full-length mirror. i take a deep breath, knowing that ill have trouble breathing for the next few hours. i reach for the corset. i feel the cool silk slide over my skin, and the corset embraced me like a second skin. as hilde begins to the corset, i close my eyes momentarily as the corset tightens gradually as hilde expertly cinches the laces at the back. each tug brought the garment closer, enhancing my hourglass silhouette. hilde tied off the laces, securing the corset in place.

i take a shaky breath in and say ''oh, hilde, do loosen it a tiny bit.. please'' i practically beg, hildegarde hesitates, then quickly loosens the corset. she then helps me put on a gray, high-collared dress. i start to feel nervousness bubble up inside me and i confide in hilde ''hilde, i'm nervous. what if victor and i don't like each other?'' i turn to look at her aged face with big doe eyes looking upon her. suddenly -- there is a shocked, severe laugh from the doorway. hildegarde and i whirl to see the imposing figure of mother and father, who is at her side. mother practically yells at me ''for heaven's sake, anna! 'like' each other? as if that has anything to do with marriage? do you suppose your father and i 'like' each other?'' her tone is harsh as she looks down upon me, i take a sharp breath and say ''...but surely you must, a little?'' father and mother say in unison ''of course not!'' their reaction confuses me so i say ''but, you had me, didn't you?'' father clears his throat and says ''you were conceived in a fit of... what's the word?... responsibility!'' i scoff and shake my head. my ears perk up again as I hear the cathedral-like doorbell echoing through the mansion, mother turns on her heel. without looking back and says -- ''get that corset laced properly! i can hear you speak without gasping! also anna dear, you must  not come down the stairs until i come get you.. do you understand?'' i sigh and then nod.

'why must this happen to me?'

corpse bride ;; gender swapWhere stories live. Discover now