Chapter 23: The Defeated and the Retaliated

Start from the beginning

Mikasa: He's fast! So fast that it doesn't have time to reinforce!

Mikasa watches in shock at how fast Levi is attacking its elbow and other parts of her body.

Mikasa: Even if Y/n's not piloting it, Ms. Petra is making sure it stayed down for him to make his attacks.

She saw how the Gundam's attacks are brutal to make sure she stays down by making a glaw Bracer punch through her torso. 

Then stabbing the hot pair of Beam Sabers through her thighs as it was deactivated immediately for it ran out of particles and let Levi rage it out

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Then stabbing the hot pair of Beam Sabers through her thighs as it was deactivated immediately for it ran out of particles and let Levi rage it out.

Then stabbing the hot pair of Beam Sabers through her thighs as it was deactivated immediately for it ran out of particles and let Levi rage it out

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Their attacks made the Female Titan put her arms down and exhausts her, exposing the nape. Mikasa saw its opportunity.

Mikasa: I can get the nape. She's exhausted now. I'm sure it can't move! Can kill it!!

She then goes on to kill it but Levi notices her eyes not healing meaning it's planning something.

Levi: Wait, stop!!

Before she could even strike, she saw the hand raise up and its crystal covering her nape skin. She sees the incoming right hand of the titan, but Levi pushes her away and he lands one of his feet on it making his ankle sprained.

Mikasa landed on top of the Gundam's head unit and held on to its V-Fin.

But he didn't care about the pain even though he felt that as he sliced the cheeks to make her jaw open but it saw it's not opening and Petra let out a scream to make it open.

Petra: Haaah!!!!

She controlled its hands and pulled the jaw out forcefully, exposing the mucus covered Eren.

Mikasa: Eren!

He then retrieves Eren as he gets him and talks to her.

Levi: Hey, we're getting out of here! We got what we needed!

Mikasa: Eren...

Mikasa saw Eren unconscious and being covered by her mucus in Levi's arms.

Levi: He should be fine. Alive, at least! *disgusted* Filthy though.

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