Chapter 22: Decisive Battle

Start from the beginning

Y/n countered it with his signature backspin blade block. Which stumbles him but tries to cut Y/n's mobility off when he detaches and throws the blades on his wires. He notices the blade's direction of the throw and detaches the grapples and uses his GN Drives to fly back to the team.

Petra: Who is it?!

Y/n: It's pretty obvious right now!!!

Eld: Protect Eren!

Gunther: Don't let him get through!

Oluo: Damn, what now?! Eld, which way should we go?!

Eld: There's no time to mount the horses! Head to HQ as quickly as possible!

They then moved faster as Y/n followed behind. The hooded person, which Y/n identified as the Female Titan wielder, began to increase its slipstream towards them.

Oluo: Is it the female Titan? Or were there others?

Petra: Damn... *faces the Female Titan wielder* Bring it on! I'll kill you at any cost!!

Eren was troubled when he heard her confirmation.

Eren: The female Titan? But... how?! Didn't we capture her?!

The Female Titan slowed down to make distance between them. The Levi Squad was now confused on what it was doing.

Then Erwin's and Y/n's thinking synced together about her transformation skill.

Erwin: If the enemy is able to conserve her strength, ...

Y/n: 'They can transform a 2nd time!'

A yellow thunder strikes down as the Female Titan rises and begins sprinting towards them.

Eld: Here she comes!

Eren is getting angry with her and begins to take the risk.

Eren: Why you... I'll do it this time! I'll kill it! *tries to bit his hand*

He tries to transform but Eld stops him.

Eld: Don't! The 5 of us will take down the Female Titan. You continue heading to HQ at full speed!

Eren's eyes can see hesitation as he looks back at the Titan.

Eren: Let me fight with you!

Oluo: No, Eren!

Gunther: This is for your own good!

Eld: Your power poses far too great of a risk!

Y/n: Remember, trust us! We signed up for this s***!

He grits his teeth in frustration of what to do. But he decided to put his trust in the five and left in full speed.

Eren: I believe my squad will be victorious! Good luck!

The Levi Squad just smiled knowing he did what he had to do. Y/n just remained focused on the enemy.

Eren watches from behind as they can see the 5 engaging the Titan. Eld and Gunther try to be the bait by attacking her head on. The Female Titan failed to see the feint on it as they blew the smoke brakes on her face. Suddenly two pairs of ODM hooks attached to her face and it was Petra and Oluo going for an attack run straight to the eyes, blinding her.

Eld: We blinded it. It won't be able to see for a minute!

Petra: We'll finish this before time's up!

Oluo: Screw capturing it!

Gunther: We'll kill it now!

Y/n: Sorry girl. You got owned!

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