But it's then that snippets of the previous night flashes in his mind, how they had slept together and how this very couch rocked hard and made creaking noises the whole time.

Noeul hides his face, feeling shy all of a sudden to which Boss just shakes his head. He grabs a water bottle and walks over to the living room then he sits on the edge of the couch and slowly peels Noeul's hands away from his face.

If it's even possible, Noeul is more beautiful than he was yesterday with his lightly tousled bedhead, his flushed cheeks and freshly bitten lips; afterglow must really be a thing.

"Are you okay?" Boss asks him then. "Do you want me to get you an ice pack or pain reliever?"

Noeul still feels embarrassed yet he looks up from under those thick long lashes and timidly shakes his head. "M'fine. I should be asking you. You had a high fever last night."

"Well, I guess I sweated it all out." Boss says, sounding mischievous to which Noeul chides, "Chaikamon! I'm serious. Do you...feel better?"

Boss takes Noeul's hand and presses it against his neck, warm but the normal kind. "See?" He tells the frowning boy who looks instantly relieved. But Boss teases him one last time, saying, "Now, we know what to do when I get sick."

Noeul's cheeks burn furiously at his remark and he whines, "Chaikamon."

Boss laughs then retorts, "I meant wiping my body down to reduce my temperature. What were you thinking about?"

At this, Noeul shoots him a cute but deadly glare and mutters, "I won't take care of you next time."

Boss chuckles, pulling Noeul into a hug which the boy doesn't refuse albeit pretending to sulk. "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I made breakfast, wanna have it together?"

Noeul is still pouting when his eyes flick up to Boss but he eventually breaks into a soft smile and nods his head. "I'd like that."


When Boss' father arrives at the garage later that day, he finds P'Aon standing off to the side timidly, looking as though he has something to say but doesn't want to. He brushes it off, thinking it's nothing important and asks the mechanic, "Is Boss in yet?"

But that's exactly what P'Aon has been dreading to talk about. "Uh...he was just here, sir." He says, following behind Boss' dad who then asks, "And?"

At this, P'Aon rubs the back of his neck anxiously before finally coming out with it, "And he just left...after submitting his resignation."

Boss' dad spins furiously on his heel and asks, "What?! Where is he?"

"A-at the house, sir...packing." P'Aon replies. "He said something about-" But the other doesn't wait for him to finish and brushes past him, stomping over to the house just a few blocks away from the garage.

"Boss!" His dad's voice echoes in the house as he jogs upstairs and into his son's bedroom where he finds Boss packing his bags. He gapes in horror at the sight unfolding in front of him and pipes up, "What do you think you're doing?"

Boss doesn't even turn to look at him and just mutters, "I'm leaving. I'll be staying with Fort for the time being just until I can get my own place."

"Wha- son, is this about that boy?"

Boss pauses what he's doing and turns his head slowly to look at his dad over his shoulder. Then he turns back to the task at hand, zipping up his luggage as he says, "No, dad, this is about me...about my life. You're right; I should be working towards my future...but I just don't see myself doing that here."

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