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●Spider was scared.

It was dark outside and he could barely make out the shapes of the trees below him.

He was currently strapped into a helicopter that did nothing to help soothe his nerves. Norm had told him they would be leaving about three hours ago but once they actually left he was anxious on the unsaid reasoning of their needed return.

He couldn't think of any reason why they would want him to come back other than the fact they had found out what he had done. Just thinking about their reactions made him sick to his stomach. He had finally started to feel fully accepted into their family and now that would be gone.

Although, he couldn't be upset with whatever they decided to do to him. He knowingly saved his dad who had taken so much from the Na'vi as a whole. If he could he would blame it on the heat of the moment. His father saved him once and he was only returning the favor so they had to understand. Right?


Spider wasn't naive.

Nayliä was dead.

One of the few people who didn't see him as just a charity case or some demon spawn, was gone.

The teen sniffled inside his mask and took a deep breath.

Throughout his life all he wanted was to feel as if he belonged somewhere, that someone actually wanted him. That's why he was so drawn to the Sullys. Not only were the kids his age and he could make long lasting bonds but he had unknowingly found his mother figure.

Nayliä never made him feel that his presence was unnecessary. As a child she treated him almost like he had been born from her own body.

If only he got to tell her how much she meant to him before it was too late.

The boy was tired of thinking and leaned his head back and forced his body to relax enough to sleep.

Spider was running through the thick trees and bushes of Pandora. He couldn't be more than six or seven years old but his speed and agility would put most humans his age to shame. His skills were due to his environment and to keep up with peers, he had to adapt.

Currently he was looking for a specific fruit so that he could give it to the nice woman who patched him up after he slipped off a branch.

She was the mother of his best friends and he liked to pretend she was his mom too.

It was getting dark and the young boy knew he had to return back home soon but he desperately wanted to find what he was looking for.

Unfortunately, he failed to notice the group of hungry canine-like creatures ready to hunt their easy meal.

"There it is!" He saw it! Low to the ground but still connected to its mother tree.

But just as he grabbed his delicious prize, a branch snapped behind him.

His eyes got as wide as they could get and he started to slowly back away into the huge tree behind him. The branches were too high up for him so he knew climbing was out the window.

The small boy bravely faced what he could only describe as monsters or beasts,ready to enjoy their meal.

His heart began to race and he hugged his gift close to his little chest tightly.

"It's mine! You can't have it!" He was upset because he thought they were after his present but in reality they were after him.

When one of the animals got too close, he tried to mimic the hisses he had heard before. It was weak, small and didn't deter his attackers.

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