The Shadows Hold a Dark Place (Part 3)

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My body slammed into a nearby locking, as the hands tighten around my throat.

I couldn't see him, I couldn't make out what he looks like. All I know is that this stronzo is trying to kill me!

"Gah," I grabbed onto his wrists and proceeded to pull them away from my neck.

His eyes were that of a hawk, a predator that's about to deal the killing blow to its prey. He had the kind of eyes that were dangerous. Fierce as all hell.

"Ba-Bastardo," I swung a left hook, hoping to connect to the side of his head.

Gone. He disappeared again. Vanishing into whatever darkness was around us. I swung into empty air, nothing solid to get in the way.

I dropped to one of my knees and gasped for air. I held my neck with one of my hands, soothing it and massaging it from the pressure it experienced. I rushed in as much air as possible, desperately trying to catch my breath.

That idiota thinks he can take Aria to who-knows-where, then attack me, Then proceed to disappear like no one's business. It's like Jeremiah all over again. This time I have no leads on where he is.

"Young man, are you okay?" A voice gently asked.

I looked up to find an older woman standing a couple feet away, concerned about my situation.

"Do you need to go to the nurses' office?" She asked.

Shit. A teacher. What's with all this bad timing? Why can't I just beat someone up in privacy?

"I'm fine Ma'am. I'm just catching my breath," I quickly rushed to my feet.

The woman looked like she was in her late fifties. With wrinkles appearing on her face, gray streaks in her hair, and hunching over; with her back poking slightly out.

"You look like you were att-" An arm wrapped itself around the woman's neck, applying pressure back into it.

"You Ca-" Before I can finish, the woman disappeared in blink of an eye. Escaping from existence before I could realize it.

I pushed my back against the lockers and analyzed my surroundings. I'm alone. No one is around but me. And yet, something tells me this asshole is here with me.

I don't know how, but this guy has some sort of teleporting superpower. It's obvious that that's his case. He can teleport place to place. He took Aria and the woman away from here, in order to get me alone with him. That's his whole shtick, his gimmick. I just got figure out how to counter it.

The hallway was silent. No one around to make a sound. Not a person. Not a mouse. Not even an ant. I can't get caught like that again. I make another mistake or else I might not get lucky enough to escape again.

My throat began to get tighter, the air in my throat started to lessen. I could feel my face redden, becoming puffy as pressure was applying to my neck.

This cazzo is strangling me from behind.

I felt a hand being placed on top of my head, as the arm strengthen around.

He's suffocating me! That piece of shit, I didn't realize he was behind me. How could I? Last time I checked, my back is against the locker. I thought I would be safe from any surprises from behind, but I guess I was fucking wrong.

My body became weightless, lifeless even. I felt like the weight of a feather, a feather that was being carried away by the wind. I leaned back, falling backwards into the locker. I felt like I was falling off a cliff, like I just took a step back off of a sky-high area; and now I'm falling into the sky.

As my body fell into a different reality, a body of darkness engulfed me; shallowing me into eternal despair. Before long, the lights from the school hallway were nothing but stars in a pitch black sky. Rising upwards, higher and higher. Escaping my vision before I knew what was happening.

"What the hell?!?" The words swirled around me, circling like it was trapped in a tornado.

Streaks of lights began to create a pattern in the empty void. With nothing but the echoes of my grunts and struggles being the sounds around. Everything was flashing while at the same time disappearing. Everything was dark while everything was lit up like an explosion. It felt like I was in a black hole; with time, light, and sound being caught in the whole thing.

I couldn't fight back anymore, and before long; I gave up as I was falling, falling into the void around me.

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