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Winds POV
All of us have noticed something's about Wolfie, most are just that he likes scratches behind his right ear but refuses to let anyone scratch it, or how he gravitates towards Wild and Time more then the rest of us.

But no, that's not what this is, sometimes Wolfie will get a big burst of energy and start to run around like he's insane, knocking over people and items alike. Wild says the dogs at his stables do the same thing and they are called "Zoomies"

Personally I find the whole thing funny as I'll get out, of course Legend doesn't, especially when said wolf spills your entire bag. "WOLFIE YOU DAMN BASTERD!" Legend yells as Wolfie zooms past him, tongue hanging out as he sprints across camp. Wolfie skids to a stop and play bows to Wild. Wild drops to the ground and creeps closer before trying to jump on Wolfie but Wolfie jumps out of the way and Wild chases after.

I hide behind a tree as I see the two run. Soon enough Wolfie runs past the tree and I jump on his back. "WOOOOO!" I yell clutching the wolfs fur. Wolfie zig zags around the clearing, jumps over Four and barrels into Time before he flops on the ground, out of breath.

Warriors runs up and looks me over. "You ok sailer?" He asks and I wave him off. "Again!" I yell and Time shakes his head.

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