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car engine?...



I blinked, glancing down at my shoes.

Getting to skip the doctor's office and stay home alone? Hell yeah, I haven't been home alone in so long because mom rarely trusted me to be alone and Scarlett always assumed the worst so she never left me home alone either, but it's not like something will ever actually happen so what can really go wrong?


I quickly glanced through the blinds of the kitchen window, but not being able to see who exactly is at the door due to the window being set up to point more towards the side yard, i did see a old pick-up truck at the very end of the driveway.

...weird? i guess?


my head had started to slightly ache and a low static or buzzing had started to fill my head, i placed the palm of my right hand on my temple and slowly blinked before moving to rub my eyes then attempting to ignore the growing static and ache.

what the fuck.




I hope yall are excited for the long past due part five of 'Don't Forget The Sun'!! i know im excited to finally be done with part five and hopefully be done with the damn writer's block and lack of motivation that played a large part in the delay of this chapter. also please keep in mind this is sorta a filler chapter and was supposed to be shorter but im pretty sure its actually closer to 4000-ish words- hopefully part five will be the last chapter that's paced like this and will help the plot move forward-

anyway, im going to stop ranting to avoid spoiler's and hope yall are excited for chapter five and hope this isn't to shitty of a teaser, ive never been great at teasers and descriptions- but part five will hopefully be posted at some point Thursday or Friday! [im finishing up some editing and final details as we speak]

also i highly suggest yall read my lates DFTS announcement/update on my Wattpad and Qoutev activity as it does fill in alot on the story and where ive been and also just reading my last few things on those should explain it pretty well to!! anyway again hope yall are excited and im very sorry its so damn late! also hopefully a new part of my story "We Are Young" will be out this month plus maybe some older WP reqs and Tumblr reqs!

-Luv Lee<3[ur local inconsistent writer]

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