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Mk hello, its lee obviously- so i just wanna kinda address why i disappeared again. so for why i was missing on alotta platforms in October is because i was mostly just busy with school and life and October is just always busy for me and i had actually ended up getting sick for the 3rd month inna row at the very end of October and into the very start of November.
Why ive been inactive this month so far is a bit more personal i guess, id started to try to write but had gotten a bit caught up in school and such up until last Tuesday.

[ Tw for pet illness/loss here. ill but a tw end at the end so ppl can skip over this part.],

Last tueday my sister had brough her 6 year old cat london into the vet because she was having issues again, shes been sick and on medicine and in and out of the vet since maybe late march and my sister and her partner had done so much to take care of her, they almost lost her in i think august/somewhere around that time [this years very blurry, ive spent most of it sick and cant really remember timing very well tbh] but they were able to help her, she started showing issues again very suddenly and they had brought her in tuesday morning, id seen her the satuday before and she was doing well. my sister was very on edge all day as london was not stable and having issues, they had stabilized her and alot more that i know happened but i kinda blocked out i guess, but basically tuesday night theyd gotten the call everyone dreads. the reason im saying all of this is because i need people to understand that im not jsut being lazy or a shitty writer but i also dont want pitty for this, and this also isnt about me as she wasn't my cat but its hit me almost as hard as its hit my sister and its a way bigger thing then what alotta ppl would think, both just london being sick over the past months and the the suddenness of losing her has just had an impacting on everyone, especially my sister [and because of how close i am with my sister i tend to pick up on what my sisters feeling and such way more than the rest of our family and it upsets me to see her upset so its sorta had me partly inna weird place for a while to, hence why ive been barely active for some months to and id also lived with her, her bf and the cats on and off for the past 5-6 years so im very attached to their cats and them ]


But id taken some time away from everything to just be with my sister and to process everything and i still haven fully processed it all. again, im not using this as an excuse a[nd i also toned it down and left out alot because its not all needed] but i need to make it aware im not just being irresponsible with my writing either. im just going through some shit and while im trying to keep moving its all kinda just put me inna slump, especially when mixed with the recent arguments my ma has been picking with me and school. and i know ive said how big of a coping mechanism my writing is for me but ive been trying to separate it from negative feelings, because the second i start to fully associate this passion with negativity is the second ill grow very resentful of it and i just love writing a lil to much to start to fully hate it.

I'm aware that no one really cares about any of this or where ive been or that maybe one or two people who do weren't really expecting this to be my reason as to why ive disappeared and such, this also a very toned down and iffy explanation as my mind is everywhere at the moment and even trying to pay attention to what im typing is hard right now, like my mind has been a damn mess lately and i just cant think straight.

Moving onto book updates i guess.

I still haven't even started part six of 'Dont forget the sun' to be honest- its partly because im not fully sure how i want to pace the next chapter and what exactly i want to do with it. i kind of want to touch more on y/ns backstory and maybe a bit on their dissociation/zoning out/mind wandering/'nightmares'/paranoia ive included but im not sure if touching on those would be triggering for people to read a whole chapter on or not or if itd explain alot and give more Insite on the story and such [basically would anyone like to see this? im hesitant on it because while i know some people can relate to it i also know it could be triggering. i personally struggle with alot of the lack of sense of reality and such ive included and know how it can be triggering but idk i feel like its also kinda important to the story to- also the ruff idea of a possible backstory scene/chapter needs work and might be a bit gruesome depending on the direction i go. id also like to hear about what yall think the mc's backstory is and such!]

I dont really know what else to update on, but uh yeah imma start part 6 of dfts soon and im kinda working on the next part of we are young atm and im gettin to reqs! i might update this with some details later but im actually still coming down from an 'episode' regarding my health condition and its just kinda making it harder to concentrate on what im saying and on typing and such. so if anyone has an questions and such feel free to ask and im also sorry for my small vent type update that no one asked for. alright imma stop here and again i might update this later.

Please remember to stay hydrated and to take care of yourself!!

-Luv Lee<3


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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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