DFTS|Stella (Lisp) Translation Masterlist

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This is a masterlist of the translations i provide in the comment sections of my story "Don't Forget The Sun' for a character named Stella who ive written to have a lisp

context: the character is written as a 7year old girl from the south and the younger sibling of the reader. so, her being written as a southern child with a lisp explains why even the translations aren't all grammatically correct. 7year olds don't have perfect grammar. [nor do dyslexic people[me] or most southern raised people i guess[me- this is mostly a joke]]

this will be updated with translations for each part i post that this character is in and calls for translations



• "Good mornth'ng!!"
→ "Good morning!!"


• "th's oth'ay bubba! Mama t'id to come get t'ou up!"
 "It's okay bubba! Mama said to come get you up!"


•"Loo'th I'm done colo'thing!"
→ "Look I'm done coloring!"


• "Th'ank you"
→ "Thank you"


• "Morn'tin"


• "No, mama ish't still sleepin'ths and dad lef' for wor'th already"
→ "No, mama is still sleeping and dad left for work already"


• "We ea'thin brea'thfast mama!"
→ "We (are) eating breakfast mama!"


• "Mamaaa, im bor'th"

 "Mamaaa, im bored"

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