Kiss Me Again (Alex Shelley x OC)

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When Gemini got to her door of their locker room, she jumped about 10 foot in the air as her husband opened the door suddenly "jeez..." Gemini breathlessly exclaimed "now the hell do you do that?" she then asked "you know as well as I do that I have my sources..." Patrick exclaimed, phone in his hand and a smirk on his face " bloody Josh" the woman muttered"calm it furey" he warned. Unaware that the cut on her head was bleeding once again Patrick exclaimed, passing her a fresh towel "well well well.. looks like someone is in needs of a towel ... or 3... and a doctor! " "ha ha.. Ow my head"Gemini moaned out loud "still wanna say that you're okay? "he sarcastically joked "you shush" the woman moaned out" your sarcasm isn't needed . As Patrick heard the pain in his wife's voice , he went into full on protective mode at the pain in his & exclaimed as he looked at her forehead and checked her over " jeez peanut, you've had your fair share of eggs and bumps , but that on is a doozy, what do you reckon we should we name this one? ... I say we call it Eggbert... " "you know what patch, funnily enough, that isn't the worst name that you have ever picked out..." " why thank you kindly " he smirked. When they walked in to the dressing room , both girls ran over to their mom & as they saw their mom, both girls instantly froze in shock, after calming them down with the help of Joe, Giselle & Shantelle, Gemini calmly exclaimed as she hugged them . "hey, Momma's okay... I promise you... I am just a bit sore and have a few owies " " Mommy's gonna go and get seen by a doctor & then she'll be back here looking back to normal" Patrick exclaimed" as normal as mummy can be" Joe joked" HEY! I will set them on you Hendry! "the woman warned. However, f.e fore she could argue, Patrick exclaimed Oh trust me, you will go and get checked out ... if you don't, I will phone Fulton and get him to come in here and carry you down there! you forget Gemstone.. I can be just as stubborn as you"" and that is a knockout win... ow! the hell " Joe moaned, rubbing his head after the woman chucked her shoe at him. A little while later, Gemini, complete with concussion, had been checked over & stapled up and now she was (with the help of Giselle,Chloe, Joe & Shantelle keeping the girls entertained) helping Patrick prepare for his huge match. After eventually managing to wrestle the man to sit down in front of her so that she could help to fix his hair, she smiled as her husband exclaimed in a way that reminded her of both of her girls "I forgot how strong you are.. I'm sure You could arm wrestle most of the guys ... " "are you calling me masculine??... besides, I pretty much wrestled both of the twins single handed µ when you were doing Clinics.. without any coffee in me. If I could do that.. then you mister are a piece of cake" his wife grinned. Whilst watching the concentration on her face as she fixed his hair, he whispered, concerned about his wife "hey monkey... are you sure that you're okay?.. you're very quiet " "im fine baby, I promise you .. I am just really sore... with your match coming up, I don't want you to stress out about me, I will be fine" Gemini lied, her head and heart feeling bad about lying to her husband but at the same time, she didn't want to stress her husband out before his match. However, not buying what his wife was saying, Patrick turned to face his wife as soon as she finished his hair, he stood up and gently moved the hair from her face that was covering her eyes, as needed, she moaned "ow" "im Sorry baby, your hair was in your face... I thought that I should move it so that I can see you better... hey... hey... why are you crying?" "im fine.. please Patch, please just... let it go.-just for now ". After kissing her forehead gently, he expressed wiping her tears "ok... I'll let it go.. for now Gem! .. but once everything is out of the way & the match is done ... we are taking...and I mean we are talking properly.. no distractions " "I love you Patchy" "I love you more Gemstone" Patrick winked , kissing her softly. . When the husband and wife walked out of the bathroom, Gem smiled as she saw Josh waiting for them, both of his goddaughters in either arm " "'what is going on...why do the two of you..." small ears... don't finish that sentence" Patrick warned "I was going to say look happy " "yeah right" Gemini exclaimed.

When The Martin family walked from their dressing room to the production area, Gemini could tell, no matter how hard he tried to hide it that he was nervous & he was trying to hide his nerves from all 3 of his girls. and knowing he needed reassurance, he squeezed his hand , an action that told the man everything he needed, looking at the woman he mouthed"I love you" "I love you too" . As they walked into the production area, they all stopped in their tracks as both Pixie & Posey froze, smiled and exclaimed as they saw Steve & Deonna talking (or as they called them their 'Auntie Didi & Uncle Stevie)" Auntie Didi, Uncle Stevie" both girls cheered, carefully running towards the husband and wife "Munchkins "the pair replied, picking the duo up" have you been good for mama and dad ? "Steve asked "always" Pixie grinned" yeah.. course, I mean you only tried to kill Josh & Trey what.. 4 times tonight "Patrick laughed stretching " just the way you taught me too Uncle Stevie " "that's my fairy" Steve winked, giving her a high five "how about you flower girl?" her ' Di-Di ' asked Posey "yes Di-Di, I've been good". After watching the girls interact with the pair, Gemini exclaimed, trying to hide how ill she was truly feeling "yo! punk girls... come here, let uncle Stevie prepare" "yes mama" both girls exclaimed sweetly whilst Deonna looked at Gemini's face, concerned at just how not like herself she was looking. As the man their dad was fighting walked to the ring, Patrick, his mind fully on his match , leant down to his daughters heights & smiled "give me some lucky hugs peanuts "and after he got his kisses & cuddles from his children, he gave them back to them. After he stood back up straight, he looked at his wife who exclaimed "you have this Pat... it's your time to be 'the guy' .. I love you" "I love you more" Patrick smiled "now kiss me again, one more for luck"he smirked. As Patrick made his way out to the ring , Deonna exclaimed to her best friend " you looked amazing tonight Gem.. that gear was insane" "thanks D, think it was one of the best concepts I have come up with in a while "Gemini replied, rubbing her temples, trying to relieve her dizziness and migraine " you 're really struggling with this concussion aren't you" her best friend commented, knowing her just as well as Patrick did "I just... I feel sick, like really, really sick"the woman admitted quietly, trying not to concern the kids who were hugging their Uncle Scott . As the women looked at each other, Deonna looked at her goddaughters & exclaimed, knowing now that not only did she need to not only keep an eye on her bestie, but also give her an extra hand with the pair of trouble makers she adored "hey... do you two wanna come with your Auntie Di di and maybe we could go & find some snacks to watch dad's match with?" "we have to stay here Auntie Didi " Posey exclaimed as Pixie added "we promised daddy that we'd be here when he gets back " "well then... if that's the case... then sit there is what we will do, but you two are sitting on Auntie Didi's lap and your giving me snuffle hugs" "the woman laughed "both of them?" " I can cope"the woman replied. After they all got as comfortable as they could, the women & the two girls settled down and began to watch what they were certain was going to be a' match of the year' nomination. Whilst watching the match start up , both wife's split their attention between watching the two young girls and making sure that they were both comfortable and happy & the screen in front of them that showed their husbands match, but as they watched Deonna was in addition to everything else, hiding her concern about her best friends migraine and concussion, watering her yawn, Deonna expressed concerned "I really do think that you need to if nothing else, lay down flat somewhere. Before you even try it Gemma, you're struggling to focus and even I can tell your dizzy" " "1 would if I could, but I promised Patrick that we would both be here.. regardless.. I can rest later".

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