My family ( Cash Wheeler x OC)

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A/N I got this idea from the promos the pinnacle have done.

"What do you think Es... ESSIE!" Swole yelled, snapping her best friend out of her lovesick daydream and back to reality "the silver" the blonde haired woman said, her attention going straight back to the screen in front of them and the action in the ring. Looking at each other and then the woman, both Swole and Velvet sighed as they looked at the women and then at each other "Essie Valentine, I love you too pieces girl , you know I do, but for the love of all that is good and holy in the world, either admit you want him back or move on. He doesn't deserve anymore of yours tears or wallowing" Swole firmly stated as Velvet added "I agree. It's time for you to show him what he is missing out on. If Cash wants to listen to Max's lies and false promises then let him, there's so many more fish in the sea". Staring at the screen with tears in her eyes, Essie knew they were right, she just wished it was that easy as they were trying to make it sound, since the break up, she felt the most alone she had ever felt and even though she was angry, she wanted her family back. As the two women continued with their intervention, Velvet continued "I mean, and I say it because I care about you but you look like death. You're as pale as ever, you haven't had a match in weeks. Is he really worth all this damage and upset" "You don't get it" Essie responded, trying her hardest not to break down crying" "then tell us"" Swole gently replied "Come on Es.....", unable to not only keep it to herself anymore but keep her emotions in check she blurted out as she cried "I'm 9 weeks pregnant".

Standing with the men he saw as family in the ring and listening to his tag partner speak, to say that Cash's heart wasn't fully in what he was about to say was the understatement of the century, for as long and as far back as he could remember, it had always been him, Essie and Dax, through the good and the bad,  the one thing they had always had was each other, they even were united when they left the 'E and joined AEW... they were family, but as soon as The Pinnacle was formed, everything they had changed.  At the beginning, even not being involved with them or their new faction, Essie had given him her full support, like she always had done 'for her boys', but after MJF had got in his ear and told the men he didn't want 'outsiders knowing their business', their relationship went sour quickly and Cash lost the love of his life and Essie lost the only family she had ever had. They tried everything they could to salvage any remnants of their relationship, but after blood and guts and the 'celebration' their pompous, arrogant weasel faced leader threw for them afterwards, Essie couldn't do it anymore, to this day, her words still echoed in his mind "Money and victories mean shit if you have no one to share them with. I really hope you wake up and realise that soon, before you loose more than me". The last 8 weeks had killed him and all he wanted was her back in his arms where she belonged and he hated the fact that he had let MJF get into his ear so easily.  As Dax stopped talking and Cash stepped forward, the inability to listen to anyone or anything washed over Essie's being once more as she listened to what her ex had to say. As Cash stated, his eyes to everyone else emotionless "I don't have a family so I don't give a shit......" the pregnant woman felt her stomach drop and churn and she couldn't take either hearing what he had to say, or seeing the emotion in his eyes he only ever showed with her , standing up she said to Velvet and Swole while fighting back to need to cry and be sick "I need to go, I'll see you in a bit" "Es..." Velvet replied trying to make her stay "I can't, I...". Watching her walk away, her best friends had had enough, "so you talk to him and I will try and get through to Essie again" Swole stated "Gotcha" Velvet nodded as they split up, their plan in place to put a smile back on the woman's face once more.

Getting backstage, The Pinnacle were pissed after watching the inner circle destroy their limo and everyone could see it, however that didn't stop Velvet marching over to the man who had broke her 'sister's' heart. Looking at him dead in the eye, Velvet could see in his pissed off expression, the same emotion in his eyes as were in Essie's which gave her a little hope that maybe she would be able to get somewhere with the man. Looking at the interaction in front of him, MJF fumed "can we help you cupcake?" "you can't sunshine! You've done enough" she spat back before looking at Cash "do you still love Essie?" "Of course I do, I always have done, always will do" Cash admitted "she isn't worth your time, plenty more fish in the sea Cash Money" MJF smugly stated "I swear, if you don't shut up.." Velvet snapped before carrying on "you know where Essie is right now? She is packing up and leaving for god knows how long. She wont admit it Cash and you know she won't, but she is so hurt and so lost, she doesn't know what to do about.....". As Velvet stopped talking suddenly,  Cash noticed the panic in the woman's eyes and it made his heart start to pound "about what?, whats wrong with Essie!" "Its not my place" "please Velvet...please, if there is something wrong with her, I need to know, I know I don't have a right after..."She's pregnant" Velvet let slip. As the shock hit him that he was about to be a father, Cash felt his world collapse around him, but at the same time, he couldn't stop himself from smiling. Knowing the man better than most, and knowing their wasn't a hope in hell he was going to be able to form a full sentence, Dax asked Velvet "where is she?" "I don't know and that's the truth. Swole went after her after she couldn't listen to your promo". Feeling sick that she had listened to him say what he had said , all the man wanted to do was make everything right and so with that,  Cash passed Dax his suit jacket and ran, trying his best to find the love of his life and rectify his wrongs, he just hoped he could get her to forgive him. Meanwhile,  after running out into the car park after finally finding out what direction the blonde had gone in, Swole sighed thankfully as she watched Essie throwing her bags into the back of her truck. As she walked over to her, the woman stated, making the blonde jump "since when has the great Essie Valentine ever run away from her troubles" "since she had more than herself to think about. It's killing me Swole, It's killing me seeing him and not being able to tell him that he is going to have the one thing bar wrestling he has ever wanted. I just need the space and time to come to terms with the fact he had made his choice, and that me and peanut are on our own" "If you told...", knowing what she was going to say, and unable to listen to it again, Essie stated "Look I need to go, I just need some time away from everything. Ill give you a text, tell Velvet I said sorry" and with that Essie got into her truck and drove home.

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