if you will excuse me. I have to go make a scene (Kenny Omega x OC)

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If the man known as The Best Bout Machine knew anything, he knew that when it came down to fighting, his wife was better than anyone else at it on the roster, if not one of the best in the world, so when the storyline between her and Miss D.M.D's muscle was thought up, he knew how the storyline was going to end and knowing his wife, he knew that it was something that not one fibre of his being was looking forward to witnessing. Ever since Full Gear and taking time off to heal up and get the surgeries he had needed, it had quickly become clear to the husband and wife that storyline or not, Adam had had an ulterior motive from his debut and that was to get rid of not only Kenny, but Haddy out of the Elite and replace her for Britt so that they could become the self professed 'NEW GOD AND GODDESS OF ALL ELITE WRESTLING!', however what they hadn't planned on was Hadleigh seeing right through them and leaving before she was pushed (much to the distain of Adam and Britt) and making sure that she made the lives of The Undisputed Elite hell...and my god did she.

Sitting and watching the woman tape up her fists and hands ready for the match of her life against Miss DMD's muscle, both her husband and Don watched on in both awe but also concern as they saw the fire in her eyes, they knew Hadleigh, some could say better than her own brothers and knowing about her history in both death and hardcore matches, they knew with how angry she was that if it came to it, their was a very high chance that after her win she was either going to have to be carried or stretchered out, a memory that still plagued the nightmares of The Best Bout Machine after her last death match with Charli Evans at a GCW event recently. Walking over to where his wife was standing, Tyson wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him "have I told you recently how much I love your hugs?" "Don't be cute...not when I am worried about you going into this match... I know you aren't going to listen to me but Baby..all I am asking is please don't act like a savage out there, you are winning the match...we don't need you being admitted for a blood transfusion again" Tyson exclaimed "Tyson is right...everyone knows your history Hads. You haven't got anything to prove" Don added, hoping the woman would listen. Looking at the two men, Hadleigh sighed and replied "firstly you are being over dramatic...I didnt lose that much blood.." "Hadleigh Raelyn Smith...you know I love you with every fibre of my being, but even you know that's a lie" Tyson smirked "fine...but I got off easily" his wife huffed dramatically "In your dreams kiddo" Don laughed as Tyson kissed his wife tenderly "I am loving the war paint though" he flirted "nice try Smith...I need to finish getting ready..I will meet you by the gorilla" and after saying their goodbyes, Hadleigh smiled as she heard the door close, she loved her husband...loved him with every fibre of her being and had done since the first time she had met him, but as she had said to him even when they first started dating, death match and hardcore wrestling was her love as well as him, she was just grateful she still had him if no one else.

As the match got closer and closer and knowing Tyson as well as he did, Don could tell that the man was rightfully on edge and was doing his best to calm him down "She will be fine...we don't give her enough credit when she goes into matches like this and besides....I am pretty sure her and Paige have gone through everything they need to with a fine tooth comb" "they mentioned moves, they've mentioned weapons....they've not mentioned what they are going to do with them" Tyson sighed, rubbing his eyes "I could kill Austin for pushing her out...at least when we were all part of The Elite she would have had backup.... God...I seriously feel like I am going to need therapy at some point in this marriage" "I heard that!" "You were supposed to!" Tyson replied back sarcastically with a boyish grin on his face. Turning around to face the candyfloss haired woman he called his wife, he felt his mouth drop open as he saw her geared up, ready for the fight of her life looking the most stunning he had seen her since their wedding day.JESUS!" Her husband grinned as she kissed him "You like?" Hadleigh smirked "very much..."is that my shirt?" "Gotta bring in some merch money baby.. keep Dobby in his fancy treats" "I dont like this side of you...it's scary" Don grinned, hugging her "well....", but before the woman could reply, she growled as she saw not only Britt and Austin , but the rest of The 'Undisputed Elite' walk over to them , smirks on their faces "So Haddy....are you ready to lose?" Britt smirked. Looking at his wife, Tyson whispered "don't react to it, it is what she wants", but looking again at his wife's face, he knew whatever he was saying was falling on deaf ears as Hadleigh replied back coldly "The only one who should be ready to lose, you wish version of me on a bad day is your muscle...you know it is funny, after I broke that wrist of yours, I really would've  thought your 'bay bay' would've taught you to keep that trap of your shut and that nose out of my business...maybe after I am done with Hayter... I need to break some more bones in that face of yours..." "DON"T YOU THREATEN HER!" Austin warned, resulting in Tyson stepping forward to protect his wife "I am telling you once and once only... threaten my wife and injury or not, I will V-trigger you back to the 'E". Pulling her husband away from the man, all Hadleigh could do was look away from her brothers who she could see wanted to say something to her "are you okay?" Tyson asked "I am perfect.... I have to admit though baby, you sticking up for me like that...that was kind of hot....reallly hot" "You like that huh?" Her husband smiled, kissing her neck.

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