Untitled Part 6

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SilverShade followed Hawk through the near darkness, the moon disappeared  as they walked below the mountain. SilverShade was on the verge of panicking, she couldn't see in the darkness, and she had already crashed into one wall. At last, the tunnel ended, opening into narrow stone walls.

"A city?" SilverShade criticized doubtfully. The foul air filled her nose, the scent of rot, mold, humans, and car fumes. She choked on it as she followed Hawk, she was aware of watchful eyes, the occasional skitter of a rat across the path as it jumped into the nearest trashcan.

"Yes, a city. The cats how live here have been chased from the forest, they'd do almost anything to get it back." Hawk growled under his breath.

"Hawk." A large gray tom mewed, dipping his head as SilverShade and Hawk passed. Though Hawk didn't notice, she saw a few small head poking out barely noticeable.

"Slash." Hawk mewed curtly, hurrying onward. SilverShade eyed their thin bellies.

"Always a pleasure." He growled darkly, returning to his hidden kits. SilverShade was panting by the time she and Hawk had reached the giant building he had been directing her towards, her paw pads rubbed raw by broken glass and the harsh pavement.

"We have to get this done before the sun rises."

"Get what done?" SilverShade muttered irritably. She licked a paw, following Hawk through a small window. She paused, blinking as her eyes got used to the absolute darkness.Hawk's pale blue eyes glowed, and SilverShade hurried forward, bumping her nose on his shoulder. His dark tail trailed over her silver and black shoulders, leading her on in the dark. She couldn't see a thing, she only knew the unsteady rise and fall of her footsteps as Hawk lead her further up the abandoned building. What if Hawk's going to throw me off the top?

SilverShade shuddered. "We're almost there." Hawk growled, hurrying as SilverShade caught sight of a small blue glow up ahead. 

"What is that?" SilverShade gasped, pointing her unusually long claws at the blue, floating globe in the middle of the collapsing room. It was strange, terrifying, long cords attached to the ceiling, electricity running through them still, the frayed ends spitting sparks

"Remember when I told you bring an object yesterday? Maybe two incase you lose it?" Hawk asked, not looking at her. "Did you bring them?"

"Uh, ya." SilverShade had almost forgot. "Why did they have to be so tiny?" She asked, pulling two objects from a small piece of leather she had tied to her leg. On object was a small circle of onyx, enveloped by a squashed sapphire. It was beautiful, and SilverShade had found it inside a fish's stomach, along with her other object. She had no idea what that fish had been up to, for the other object, was the tiniest shark tooth SilverShade had ever seen. What ever he's going to do, SharkTooth is getting one too, if it's any good. SilverShade thought.

 "Put one in the orb, Silver. Once you've done that, run to me ask quick as possible to avoid death." Hawk mewed, padding away, then turned, took the tooth that she hadn't used yet, putting it gingerly in his mouth, walked across the room, down the stairs, and into the room below. SilverShade strained her ears to hear over the zaps and pulse of the orb, waiting for his paw steps to stop. She looked at the orb, slowly approaching it. What can it do to me?

She placed the mixed gems in the orb, watching as it was suspended, and it immediately began to swell. SilverShade back away, terror flashing in her eyes, she stumbled to her paws, dashing to the stairwell. She had barely gotten three steps before it blew up. SilverShade was blown of her paws by blue smoke, her head connected with another step, her legs aching with bruises, her paw twist awkwardly beneath her. 

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