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Emery Rivera

It was chaos here at the penthouse. Actually I don't know if there's a word to describe what was happening right now.

"Mija, can you please tell your mom to wear this dress for the wedding," Dad calls from the guest bedroom. My bare feet pad against the polished floor as I enter the room.

Mom stands in front of the full length mirror in a deep purple dress.

"Ma, you look beautiful," I sigh, entering the room. The penthouse was full of noise- and I do mean full. This was probably seventh option she's shown dad and I could tell by the deep sigh that just left his lips, he was tired of looking at dresses.

Both Harry's family and my family are here. Alec and Camden were in the living room, playing Mario Kart with my sister, Emily and brother, Andrew. Their shouts and threats to each other could be heard from the bedroom.

"Can y'all be any louder?!" I stick my head into the hallway, yelling at them.

"Sorry, Em!" Alec shouts back. It only takes another 15 seconds before they're right back to shouting at one another.

I lean back onto the doorway, "You know mom, if you stopped being so stubborn, Harry will happily give you a dress to wear. I don't understand why you won't accept it." I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Costs too much money," she shakes her head. Mom's stubborn. Not that I blame her. Despite the start of my relationship with Harry being an all-expense-paid vacation, the thought of him spending an outrageous amount of money on me makes me want to hurl. My family didn't come from big money, so this new lifestyle is a bit of a shock to us all.

I let out a deep breathe, "He's going to be your son in 3 days, mom. Let him take care of you, he wants to. Besides, it'll be a lot easier for all of us." I shoot dad a wink before heading back down the hallway, following Robert and Harry's voice.

"We're still deciding on a color," Harry points to the three swatches taped onto the wall of the small room. This room used to be a makeshift storage room; it was basically empty aside from a few filing cabinets and boxes of sentiments stacked up on each other.

"Emery wants to keep it neutral with a beige creamy color since we don't technically know the gender just yet, but I know it's a boy and I'm ready to commit to this one," I stand at the door and watch Harry point at the very bold blue swatch.

Joanne's hand grazes over the swatches. "You'd better listen to your soon-to-be wife. You may be a designer, but I'm with Em on this one," Her fingers tap on the swatch I chose.

Harry looks over at Robert for help, but all he does is raise his hands up in defense. "You heard your mom. Happy wife, happy life," he shakes his head, making sure Harry and Joanne know that he's on his wife's side.

"That's right," I announce my presence, their heads turning to me at the sound of my voice. I step into the nursery, my hand resting on my belly. I just started really showing this week, and I couldn't keep my hands from constantly rubbing the small bump.

Harry sighed dramatically before pulling the two other swatches off the wall, leaving my choice of paint color up. He tossed them in the trash, walking towards me and wrapping his arms around me.

"You okay?" he mumbled against my hair, his hand falling on top of mine on my stomach. "How's my little guy?" He bent down to his knees, and what a glorious sight it was to see Harry Styles on his knees. He pressed a kiss to my stomach.

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