Forty Two

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To say I wasn't shocked will be an understatement. I quickly covered Aisha's mouth with my palm when she virtually screamed.
We ran inside and I attacked the person.
The injection fell off his hand.
I began to struggle with his mask to take it off.

Just as I was about to take it off I felt a pang on my abdomen.
He hit me and ran away.
I grab his hand but he slips off my hand.
Qalb, Aisha muttered worriedly.
Take care of Mama, I will be right back. I muttered and ran after him.

The culprit jumped through the fence.
Shit! I cursed under my breath.
I stride back to the ward.
Qalb, were you able to see his face? Aisha asked me.
No, I muttered.
Qalb, your hand is bleeding. Aisha muttered.
I glanced at my hand and saw a ring in my bleeding palm.

Qalb, whose Ring is that? Aisha asked me.
The Ring is for the Man who wants to harm Mama.
Aisha, I think I have seen this Ring before. I muttered.

Aisha scoffed.
Qalb, there are alot of similar rings. Aisha muttered.
I will keep this Ring with me until I find the person.
I walk to the bed and pick up the needle from the floor.
I check the pack on the floor.

Aisha, this man intends to kill Mama.
This injection is very dangerous to the body.
I will not spare her. She must have sent someone to get rid of Mama.
I vent out with gritted teeth.
Mama has been trembling. She is terrified.
I Dial Abbah's number.
Abbah, Mama is not safe in the hospital. Someone virtually killed her. I muttered.

The security man walks in.
I got angry and walked to him.
I walk to the security man and slap him.
He was dumbfounded by the unexpected reflex action.
Sir, why did you slap me? The Security Man asks.

I will slap you again if you question me.
How dare you leave your work? You are here to take care of my mother and ensure she is safe.
I know you are working for the hospital but I paid you to take care of her.
What is wrong with you? I will call the police to arrest you because I don't trust you.
Why would you leave the door unlocked when you are going somewhere else? I thundered.

Qalb, calm down. Aisha muttered.
Aisha, let me be. Don't tell me to calm down. She is my mother. She gave birth to me and I will never watch to see her being tortured.
If you are in my shoes you will do the same thing so don't tell me to calm down.
If you can't withstand this, then leave.
I fired.

I noticed the shocked expression on her face. Aisha got furious and turned to leave.
She will not go anywhere. Aisha is also a family member. She is your wife.
I heard Abbah's voice.
I pivoted my gaze to the door and saw him standing by the door and Aisha.

I take my gaze from them and continue torturing the security man.
Who is the person that walks in with a mask on his face? I ask him.
He only blink his eyes at me. This got me more upset and I punched him on his face.
I began to throw punches at him.

Abbah, hold my hand, I pivoted my gaze to him and was welcomed with a slap.
Abbah! Aisha muttered.
I was flabbergasted beyond shock by the action.
Mama hoists her head up and glances at us with shocked expression on her face.

What is wrong with you? This is not how to investigate a person. You are putting your mother's life in danger by torturing him.
I didn't raise you but I'm sure this is not how your mother raised you to become.
I warn you several times to learn how to control your anger because it will end up destroying your relationship with people.

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