'Ummm excuse me Sir!!! What's a Chetkin?' when the man looked at me top to bottom and said

'Looks like you are new to our Phulvaspura!!! Also you look very young and single unlike that lovey dovey couple there!!! Be careful...Chetkin might jump your bones!!!' He said and I gulped asking

'Chetkin means a ghost???' When he shook his head saying

'Noooooo!!! Chetkin is a witch!!! She resides in the old banyan and tamarind trees!!! It's said that she is hundreds of years old and she looks for fresh young blood specially of people who are single. Chetkin tries to seduce such loners and then attacks them and sucks their blood and feeds on their bones!!! Be careful you look young and single tooooo!!!' He said with a creepy smile and a dangerous voice.

I coughed so badly that the dry poha was stuck in my throat. I quickly walked away from there keeping some money on the table and ran back into the car. No!!! It's not that I'm scared of ghosts. But I somehow don't like the vibe of this place. It reminds me of those old school horror tv serials!!!

That's when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and I almost screamed only to see Adityaji standing there looking at me with a weird expression. I smiled nervously as he rolled his eyes saying

'Ranisa isn't feeling well!!! Can you please drive the car? I'll accompany her for sometime.' And I nodded. I took over the driver's seat and followed the preloaded map. As we were entering the forest it had started getting dark and we could hear various animal sounds. It was getting creepier. I gulped asking

'Ummm...Ad... Adityaji...Lavanyaji... are there wild animals in this forest?' But I got no response from them. I noticed in the mirror that both were already deep asleep. I continued driving silently. Except for the insects chirping and the wild animals howling all I heard was crushing of dry leaves. I continued driving and that's when suddenly I noticed a young lady in a all white dress, hair left open asking for lift. I gulped nervously.

My sensible mind asked me not to stop the vehicle but on the other side being a conscious person I knew it wasn't safe to leave a woman alone in this dense forest. So although I was shitting bricks right now I stopped the vehicle.

Slowly I heard the rustling of dry leaves being crushed as the footsteps approached the vehicle. There stood a woman in her early twenties. She was fair and had red lipstick that highlighted on her face. In her thick voice she asked

'Are you going to the town of Phulvaspura?'

Her manly voice gave me tremors and I cursed myself for stopping the vehicle. I swallowed dry shaking my head saying 'No!!!' when she raised an eyebrow saying

'Doesnt matter!!! I want you to drop me there!!! I am not going to wait here forever!!!' she said and that's when I noticed her long sharp red painted nails and I started praying to all the gods that my mother believed in.

I managed to say another 'No' but she tried to unlock the door and that's when I locked all the doors and she looked furious

'Heyyyyy!!! You don't know who I am!!! Open the door and let me in!!!'

She will ask if she can get into your home but you must always deny!!!

I remembered the man's words and swallowed hard saying

'Nnnnno!!! You... you should not come with us!!! Dddddont!!! Don't follow us!!! Thhhhhis this jungle is your home! Stay here on on...some tree!!! Lllllook at that mang...mango tree!!!' I pointed at the first tree that fell on my eyes and she looked visibly pissed as she asked

'Tree? What the heck? You think I'm a monkey to stay on a tree?'

Woooow!!! Looks like I annoyed her!!!

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