ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟛: 𝔻𝕖𝕖𝕣

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It stared at me with big eyes for a few moments before coming closer to my face.
I watched in silence while it sniffed the air around me.

I knew what was about to come, and yet, I stayed put.
I was far too fascinated by those amazing eyes.
So when it licked my nose, I felt like it was my fault.

"He likes you."

This time, I couldn't help the shriek that left me.
Jumping to my feet, I quickly turned around towards the kitchen with fists in the air.
I'll never refuse to punch someone, especially after they gave me a heart attack.

A big man was sitting by the kitchen island, drinking something out of a mug.
I couldn't see him, but I could see the light switch just a few steps away from me.

"Who are you?" I hesitantly asked, slowly stepping towards the switch.


The second he answered, I turned the kitchen's light on.
We both groaned in pain, but I regained my stance quickly.

Looking cautiously towards the man in front of me, I let his words sink in.

This is Riccardo? My brother?

"God, you could've at least warned me." he rubbed his eyes tiredly before raising his head.
His hair was messy, and the begs under his eyes were as dark as his eyes.
He had a black T-shirt on, so it was very easy to see his muscles.

I mean, all my brothers have tattoos and look like they basically live at the gym, but Riccardo is different.

He's leaner than Alessandro and Amadeo, and his entire arms are covered with tattoos. I'm willing to bet that there are more I simply can't see.
This man is scary.

The second he laid his
eyes on me, he dropped the hands from his face.

His stare made me feel like he could see right through me, and I didn't like it for a second.

"What is your problem?" I hissed, narrowing my eyes at him.
This man suddenly appears and decides to give me a heart attack? Hell no.

He snapped out of his daze, confused.
"Me? I'm just sitting here."

"Exactly!" I whispered harshly, not wanting anyone to wake up.
"Who drinks in the dark? Why were you lurking?" I frantically asked, heart still pounding.

Riccardo's face was completely blank, and it only made my irritation grow.
He could be either planning my murder right now or debating if his coffee needs more suger.
His eye's traveled across my face, searching for something I don't know of.

"I can't believe you're actually here." he finally confessed. His voice was soft, but his hold on the mug only tightened.

"What?" I was taken aback. It was the last thing I expected him to say.
My eyes snapped to his, and it became really hard to breathe.

"I can't believe it." He repeated, slowly sliding off the bar stool.

He was about the same hight as Amadeo.
I'm definitely not short, but all of them are at least a head taller than me.
It should have been really intimidating being around them, but it's somehow not.

The moment he began to walk towards me, I turned around and searched for an empty glass.

"Olive..." He whispered. It was so emotional, almost vulnerable.

I blinked rapidly a few times before facing him again.
He stood in the same position he was in just a moment ago, not daring to move. Like I'm some deer who'll run off as soon as it could.

Well, he's not wrong.

Honestly? I don't know why I'm still here.
Maybe it has something to do with the way he's looking at me.
This man, my brother, looks scared.
"I'm sorry for not being here today when you arrived, I really am."

I wanted to ask him where he was, but we don't know each other. It's none of my business.
I swallowed before mustering a fake smile.
"Who's the dog?"

Now it was his turn to be taken aback.
He was expecting me to lash out at him or simply tell him he can go fuck himself.

I'm not sure if he preferres my reaction.

"Oh, uh." he blurted out, spinning around until he found the dog.
"That's Duke."

Duke is absolutely beautiful. He's a big husky, with a white-black-brown fur.

As he heard his name, he entered the kitchen.
I was expecting him to sit by Riccardo, but he, once again, came to sniff me.

"He doesn't really like other people, but he likes you." he mumbled, more to himself.

"Why didn't I see him today? Did you take him with you?" I wondered, scratching his back.
Duke's a big boy, it would have been hard to miss him.

Riccardo cracked a smile.
"No, I don't think he fits on my bike."

I stared blankly at him.
We are definitely not on a joke basis, even if it was a bit funny.

Clearing his throat after a few seconds, he replied. "He likes to disappear when I'm not around"

I nodded.
We stood there for moment, just starting at each other.
Sure, I wondered what Riccardo would be like, but I wasn't expecting this.
I don't know what to think about him.
His whole demeanor is undeniably scary, and somehow, he's hesitant around me.
At least he tries to be nice.

"Well, I just came here for some water." I gestured awkwardly to the glass in my hands.

"Yeah, of course. Come here, Duke." he took his eyes away from me, pushing a hand through his already messy hair.

After drinking my water and washing the cup, I turned back, only to find him staring at me.

"Are you staying here?" I asked quietly, slowly making my way to the hallway.

"Yeah, I'll just finish my coffee."

I didn't have enough courage to tell him I didn't mean if he's staying in the kitchen, but rather in the house tonight. 

I looked back at him once before settling on a weak 'good night'.

I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

Chapter 13!
It was a long one, but I had so much fun writing it.
I'm trying to update on a daily basis, but it's tough. So, don't forget to vote! It gives me motivation :)

Finally meeting Riccardo! What do you think about him?

I feel like I'm repeating myself, but thank you so much for reading my book. I love youuu <3

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