Jack Riverpointe

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Jack was born in Riddle Port to a prostitute named Lily. As a young boy he had little education, but he had his looks going for him, which would work best in his interest if he were to take up his mother’s profession like so many children like him do.

Unlike many others, he never liked the chaos that Calistra stood for. What he wanted was for things to be more organised and for the city guard to only be around to protect the area and not because a few of them wished to relieve themselves or to pursue a crime. He wanted what was going on here to be in the light and not in the shadow.

To his horror, when he was only twelve his mother was murdered in the streets and the guard did little to no work on finding the one responsible. What most horrified Jack was the way his mother’s body was mutilated and it was not the first time this had happened in the city. Jack had a visit one night from a man in a cowl, explaining to him that if he were to accept him as his Lord, he’d gift him the power to seek out justice and protect the innocent.

Once he had accepted this he found that he had become a beacon of truth and justice. He could read people effectively and continued his work, if only to gain the money needed to continue his training and travel the world. When he reached the age of sixteen he found a man attempting to kill one of the many working women in the brothel he was raised in, however Jack got him with his sword and killed the man outright. As the man collapsed to the floor, Jack saw a mirrored reflection of his face, but older and scarred. This man must've been Jack’s father, but Jack wasn't satisfied with this. He took a closer look and discovered the man was wearing a symbol of a vile deity, Lamashtu.

Jack revealed this information to the city guard, who now decided to actually act on these murders and were able to remove the cult from their slowly growing and hidden community in the city and this satisfied Jack, for now. He wished to travel the world and save many others from evil and corruption as well as continue his profession across interesting and exotic locations. The Silver Crusade wished to save millions around the world and take down evil wherever it stood and Jack saw the opportunity to not only bring justice to the world, but also to save from another incident like this from ever happening.

Jack RiverpointeWhere stories live. Discover now