Chapter 32

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"Fred" is Fred speaking
"George" is George speaking
"Fred and George" is both speaking

Hadrian's POV
"Hades, what shall we do to the Dursleys?" My twins asked.

"Why?" I asked.

"They hurt you." They said.

"They are already suffering enough. Dad made sure of it." I said with a smile.

Fred, George, and Tom were looking at Dad.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He acted like he didn't know what happened to them and even asked if we knew where they were." Fred said.

Dad, on his part, just smirked at them.

"What did you do?" George asked.

"Some minor cuts here and there for the whales and some burns for the horse. A spell for them to experience everything they inflicted on Hadrian." Dad said.

"That is not enough. I want to show them a few higher level spells." George said with a pout. Fred was nodding.

Tom, on the other hand, was silent.

"Why are you not speaking?" Regulus asked.

"No one plans a murder out loud." Tom dead panned.

"No murder. No going against law while I am around. Some pain is okay, but there is no murder. You have to heal the wounds you inflict as well. I didn't let Dad walk out without healing them. I made sure they looked like they weren't hurt." I said.

"I want another go at them." Dad said.

"No, Dad. You had your fun with them." I said sternly.

Dad sighed and nodded.

"Can I scare Petunia to death?" Lily asked.

"Not a murder, so fine. Just you appearing on her doorstep would kill her." I said.

"Why hurt them?" Teddy asked.

George took Teddy from me and said, "They hurt Hades a lot, Teddy. Hades was hurt more than you."

"They were more cruel and violent than Andromeda." Fred said.

"Harry, how bad was it?" Teddy asked. He looked like he wanted the truth.

"If I didn't have my magic, I would have died the day they started punishing me." I said.

"Fred, make them feel the pain they gave Harry." Teddy said as he looked at Fred. He was so mad his hair had turned crimson red.

Fred nodded. "They already are, but we shall let them know even better." He promised.

"Are you going now?" I asked.

Everyone nodded.

"Teddy can't see so much violence. He's still a child." I said. Teddy was still two and a half years old, and I wasn't about to show him how to torture someone.

"Close his eyes and put a silencing charm around him so that he can't hear what happens beyond you. Or we can get Lupin to wait upstairs while we hurt them." Dad said.

"No. They hurt my cub, and they need to know what I can do." Remus growled. His eyes were almost amber.

"Alright, alright. No growling." I said when Teddy hugged George a little tighter.

"We'll go. I will let Teddy see who they are and then put a silencing ward around him. I will not let him see the violence." I said as I took Teddy back into my arms.

Teddy nodded.

All of us apparated to the Dursleys' house.

Without even ringing the bell, Fred and George had kicked the door open and stalked inside. Tom cast a muggle-repelling charm and a silencing ward around the house so that no one could hear what was happening inside.

Vernon and Petunia were about to shout at us when they saw Dad. Dudley had run down due to the noise and wanted to run back up when he saw Dad, but Sirius had pulled him down by the collar and threw him to Petunia.

"How are you, Petunia?" Lily asked in the most sweetest voice she had, and she walked to the front. We were purposefully hiding her.

"How? How are you alive?" Petunia stuttered. She was as pale as paper now.

When James walked to stand beside Lily, she fainted.

"Do not faint." Tom said in a monotone voice while casting a stinging hex on her.

She woke up with a scream and back away behind Vernon.

"How was last night? Got any sleep?" Dad asked. He knew they would not be able to sleep thanks to the nightmares they would be getting every night.

"We are here to let you know that you should not torture a child. Who knows? The ghost of the child's parents may come to haunt you." Regulus said.

"Well, in your case, the real parents, the adopted parents, and the adopted uncles have come to teach you that lesson." Sirius said with a deadly smile on his face and a cheery voice.

When everyone except Dad took their wands out, I cast a silencing charm on Teddy and put my hand over his eyes so that he couldn't see what was happening. He obeyed and just stayed silently in my arms.


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