Chapter 31

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"Fred" is Fred speaking
"George" is George speaking
"Fred and George" is both speaking

Hadrian's POV
When we flooed home, Tom, James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius were waiting for us.

"What happened?" Remus asked.

"She was asked to train Teddy to defeat me when I turn evil. Dumbledore asked her. Nymphadora also knew about it, and she was okay with the training." I said.

"Lupin, you were under love potions keyed to Nymphadora, and they were brewed by Andromeda." Dad said.

Sirius put his arm around Remus to show silent support.

"Is that the reason I feel nothing for her now?" Remus asked. He was trying to contain Moony.

"Yes. You might need an inheritance test." I said.

Remus nodded. "I think I know who my mate is, though." He said.

Sirius was smiling.

"I guess you do." I said, smiling at them. I thought there was something between them even before Siri fell into the veil.

Remus blushed when he got to know I knew who his mate was.

"Who is his mate Hadrian?" James asked.

"Really?! After being around them for as long as you did, you don't know how to see the feelings between Sirius and Remus?" I asked. How did he not know the attraction they had towards each other. Was he that thick?

"I told you they had something going on." Lily told James.

"But how did you know pup?" Sirius asked.

"The way you look at each other. The pure adoration in the eyes gave you away before, but now, the touches gave me evidence that you have feelings for each other." I said.

"The tension between you was high." My twins said.

"Harry, does granny mean that Mama was okay with me being hurt?" Teddy asked.

"She was manipulated champ. She was made to believe that I would go evil and only you could defeat me. Fame blinds people." I said as I looked at him.

He hugged me tightly. "I will not fight Harry. You are good. So are Fred and George." He said as he looked at the correct twin when he said their names.

"Teddy, how did you know I am George?" George asked.

"Fred said you were George when I first came here. Am I wrong?" Teddy asked. He didn't want to guess them wrong.

"No. It is just that no one calls us correctly other than Hades and Bill." Fred said.

"What about Charlie?" I asked.

"He gets it right a few times by chance." George said.

"Teddy, can you tell us how you know I am Fred and he is George?" Fred asked.

"Goerge's eyes are lighter than yours. His hair is a little darker red than yours." Teddy said.

"Teddy, can we hug you?" My twins asked.

When Teddy nodded, George carefully took Teddy from me and hugged him. Fred took him next and hugged him.

"How does Harry get you right all the time?" Teddy asked.

Both Fred and George looked at me. They wanted to know, too.

"Same as what Teddy said. And Fred, you have fewer freckles than George. You are a little more muscled. George is a little bit taller than you. You have a much more calming aura than George, I can list a few more, but these are major." I said while counting. When I took a look at them, they were looking at me with pure love that I blushed immediately.

They asked me to take Teddy back. When he was back in my arms, they hugged both of us.

Dad was smiling from the armchair he was sitting on.


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