Chapter 28

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"Fred" is Fred speaking
"George" is George speaking
"Fred and George" is both speaking

Hadrian's POV
"Teddy, can I ask something?" I asked.

Teddy nodded.

"Does Andy do that every day?" I asked. He nodded. "Why didn't you tell me champ?" I asked as I hugged him. I knew abuse firsthand. I didn't want him to go through that.

"Scary." Teddy said as he clutched my robes again and hid his face in my chest.

"There is nothing to be scared about, Teddy. Fred, George, and I, along with your papa, will always be there for you." I said.

Fred and George hugged me and Teddy and said, "Hades is right, Teddy. We will be there for you when you need us." They said.

Teddy slowly looked at me and said, "Pain in chest, Harry. Every day, she hurts me. She told me not to tell you. She would hurt Harry."

"Teddy, she can't hurt me. If anything happens again, anytime, you have to tell Fred or George or me, alright. Even if the one who hurt you said that, they would hurt us. Can you promise that, Teddy? I don't want you to be bullied by others." I said as I held him close. The thought of Teddy being hurt boils my blood.

Teddy nodded. "Promise." He said.

"Now then, want to eat something, I bet you're hungry." I said.

"Pancake. Harry, make pancake." Teddy said with a smile.

"Alright, alright. But don't you get bored of eating the same every time you come here." I asked as I carried Teddy to the kitchen.

"No. Wanna eat pancakes." Teddy shouted.

"We also want to wat the pancakes you make Hades. We haven't tasted your cooking." Fred said.

"Say, Teddy, is Hades' cooking good?" George asked Teddy.

Teddy nodded. "Tasty." He said.

"I'll take a bite as well." Dad said. Tom nodded.

"I'll try pup's cooking too." Sirius said.

"I'll try cub's cooking as well." Remus said. James, Lily, and Regulus also wanted to taste my pancakes.

"Cub?" Teddy asked.

"He calls both of us cubs, Teddy. You are his cub. I am the adopted child of his pack member, making me his cub as well." I said.

Teddy nodded.

I gave Teddy to Fred. Though Teddy was scared, he went to Fred obediently. George wanted to help, so I asked him to put a few plates and the syrups on the table.

I took out the pan and put it cooker to heat it and took another bowl for the batter. I mixed the batter and tapped the bowl with my wand so that the batter would settle down.

When the pan was hot enough, I poured the batter on the pan and let it get cooked. Then I turned it on the other side so that the other side would also be cooked.

The pancake was done, I took a plate out and put it on the plate, tapped my wand on it so it would cool down and gave it to Teddy, who was eagerly waiting for it, almost jumping on Fred's lap.

"There you go, champ. Your favorite pancake." I said.

Then I went back to the pan and poured some more batter on it. I let it get cooked and watched Teddy.

When he slowly tore a piece of the pancake and ate, he smiled, like he always did. "Tasty." He said before he took another bite.

When the last pancake was done, I took the pan off the cooker and let it cool down before putting it for cleaning.

I gave everyone a pancake and watched them as they ate.

Fred and George had hugged me and said, "Hades, marry us right now. We will do whatever you want. Even the Hogwarts elves can't match your cooking." And then went back to devouring the pancakes.

Dad and Tom said, "It is good. Thank you, Hadrian." They said.

"It is delicious, pup/cub." Sirius and Remus said. James was simply devouring the pancake, and Lily was smiling at me.

Regulus nodded.

"Master Hadrian. How many times has Kreacher told you not to cook. It is Kreacher's job." Kreacher popped in and said.

"I know, Kreacher. I don't cook every day, or do you want me to." I asked.

"No, once a week is okay. Kreacher be's going." He said and popped away.

"That is wicked Hades." My twins said.

"What can I do? Unless I tell him I'd do what I want to do every day, he wouldn't let me do it. Thankfully, Kreacher never let Ginerva cook." I said.

"That's good. She's a disaster in the kitchen." Fred said. George nodded.


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