"Oh, okay..." Daphne looked a bit disappointed.

"Wait, why are you getting extra help from Professor Lupin? Aren't you already one of the top students in his class?" Draco asked.

"Well — er — he said he'd help me with some spells I'm interested in." Y/n wasn't lying, he really did offer.

"I see." replied Draco, knowing Y/n as the overachiever, "Well, let us know how it goes."

Y/n made sure all the Slytherins turned around first before briskly walking to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. She wanted to make sure none of them saw her enter with Harry, otherwise she would be nagged at nonstop. So, she quickly knocked on the closed door before slipping inside. Once there, she noticed Professor Lupin standing at his desk with a briefcase, with the one and only Harry Potter standing in front of it. They both turned to look at her as she walked in.

"Y/l/n? What are you doing here?"

"I've asked her to come here." Professor Lupin responded for Y/n, smirking. Almost as if he knew Y/n would show up, even though she didn't necessarily agree.

Harry blinked, "What for?"

"If you remember on the Hogwarts Express, Y/n was — in fact — the one to defeat the dementor attacking you." Professor Lupin explained, "I believe she has the expertise to guide you in the formation of your patronus."

"Well... okay," Harry nodded at Y/n, and she returned the gesture.

"Why don't you take a break now Harry, I think it's time for you to see how a real, corporeal patronus should look like." Professor Lupin stepped back, gesturing for Y/n to perform the spell.

Y/n set down her bag on a nearby chair, then breathed deeply before pulling out her wand. This was only going to be the second time Y/n produced a patronus, but since she had already performed it once before, she had a feeling it was going to be somehow easier this time. So, she closed her eyes and focused on all of her favorite and happiest memories before shouting out, "Expecto Patronum!"

A silvery-white, ghost-like hippogriff emitted from Y/n's wand. Harry could only stare in astonishment at how majestic the patronus had been as it leaped around the classroom.

"A hippogriff... Professor Lupin, how is it possible for her to perform the patronus without being in front of a dementor?" Harry asked as the hippogriff slowly faded away.

"Why don't you ask her directly? No need to have me here as a middle man when you're in the same room."

Harry just looked at Y/n, he wasn't really sure how to act in front of one of Draco's friends.

Y/n rolled her eyes and decided to answer the question anyways, "It's possible to learn how to produce a patronus without a dementor. However, I do believe that it is much easier to learn if you have one to practice on."

"Now, you must remember that this is an incredibly difficult charm to produce. Personally, I was shocked to learn that Y/n here could do it." Professor Lupin added in, "Let's go again, Harry."

Y/n stepped to the side as Professor Lupin opened the briefcase. Harry pulled out his wand and tried to focus on his happiest memory. He was able to cast a light, silvery mist, but was unable to create an actual animal. Professor Lupin casted a non-corporeal patronus and was able to bring the boggart back in the case. Y/n chuckled at his attempted, and Harry seemed to be frustrated.

"Any tips Y/n?" Professor Lupin asked.

Y/n thought for just a moment, "Are you sure you're thinking of a happy memory?"

 "I am!"

"I think that's enough for today, Harry, let us continue the same time next week."

Y/n watched as Harry packed up his bag and left the classroom. Y/n, on the other hand, stayed in afterwards.

"Do you have a question for me, Y/n?" Professor Lupin asked once the door closed.

"Yes, Professor Lupin, I actually do have a question..." Y/n wasn't sure if she should ask, considering the teacher had been a werewolf himself.

"Go ahead." He nodded.

"...Well, on that day Professor Snape stepped in for you, he talked something about an animagus." Y/n slowly continued, "I wanted to ask how one would be able to —"

"Become an animagus?" Professor Lupin finished for her. Y/n nodded.

"Are you interested in becoming one? If you must know that process is very much complicated..." He explained, looking as if in deep thought.

"I'd like to know, professor." Y/n stated, "You agreed to help me learn more spells."

"But I didn't know you'd be asking me to help you become an animagus." He sighed, then thought carefully again before whispering, "I'll only give you the steps to become one, but then you'd have to do the rest yourself."

Y/n grinned.


The next quidditch match was between the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws. Draco had been very insistent on going to watch along with Crabb and Goyle, which was very odd since they aren't even on the quidditch team. Y/n didn't go as she wanted to go to the library to pick up some books Professor Lupin recommended to her. The books would be able to give her all the information she needed if she were to become an animagus. She only found out what they had been planning after the Transfiguration teacher, Professor McGonagall, already took away 50 points from each of them.

"What were you thinking Draco? Not only was it dangerous but you could've died! I thought we already talked about no more bloody pranks." Y/n exclaimed.

"Come on, it was just supposed to be funny. I didn't know Harry knew the spell for dementors already."

"Draco, it was so reckless that Professor McGonagall is trying to convince Professor Snape to take you off the Slytherin team." Y/n explained.

"They can't do that! Draco is the perfect seeker for Slytherin. Even the best player on the team!" Pansy retorted as Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Just relax, Y/n. I'm Professor Snape's favorite student, and I'm not even injured anywhere." Draco then added softly, "Unlike that hippogriff..."


"Nothing Y/n. Just stop worrying, you're acting like my mum."


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