Chapter 9

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Her father recently sent her a broom. But it was not just any old broom, in fact it was probably the best broom he could have possibly sent her: the Firebolt. The letter that came with it stated for Y/n to think of the gift as a secondary Christmas gift, and Y/n couldn't have been more grateful for her father. Draco had been bragging about his Nimbus 2001 every since he received it, but stopped immediately after hearing about Y/n's Firebolt. With Y/n on the team and her Firebolt, they easily took down Ravenclaw at their first quidditch match. Flint and Draco were especially happy with the win. They threw a whole party at the Slytherin common room, to commemorate their first win of the school year.

Y/n, not being a big party person herself, only spent an hour at the party before leaving the common room to find some peace. Walking down the hallway, she wasn't sure where to go during this part of the day, so she thought she'd go to the owlery to visit Atlas. Might as well send another letter to her father while she was there, informing him she won her first Quidditch match. While she was walking there, she was stopped by Professor Lupin, who was still looking quite pale from his "illness".

"Hello Y/n," said Professor Lupin, holding a stack of papers, "do you mind having a quick chat with me? I promise not to take too much of your time."

"Okay, uh sure." responded Y/n, as they both walked to Professor Lupin's classroom.

The professor put down his papers, saying, "I heard Slytherin won the quidditch match today. Nice job. I, unfortunately, didn't get see it myself."

"Thank you, professor." Y/n nodded, "But is there something else you wanted to tell me?"

"Of course you were clever enough to see through the small talk." He sighed, then chuckled, "Yes, in fact, I did want to ask you something."

"Well, go ahead, professor." Y/n was a bit weary, since she had discovered his secret already. It wasn't necessarily hard to find out that he had been a werewolf. Especially with how Snape kept acting around him. 

"Well, yes, Y/n." The professor started, "You are an exceptional student ever since I met you on the train..."

So he still remembers that...

"I am currently giving some lessons to your classmate, Harry Potter," Professor Lupin continued, "and since he is trying to learn the patronus charm, I'd thought we could use your help."

Y/n raised her eyebrow, she knew Harry had an issue with the dementors but she didn't know that Professor Lupin was helping him with it, "My help? Why would I help Harry?"

"I'd thought you'd say that," Professor Lupin chuckled, "I'm sure you can also learn more during our time together. I'm happy to give you any guidance on spells you're interested in as well. I'll also be sure to give you extra credit for the class."

Y/n paused, thinking, "...I'll think about it."

"Excellent! We'll be here on Thursday at 8pm." Professor Lupin established, "See you then."

Y/n then continued her walk to the owlery, conflicted on whether she should go or not. 


Thursday seemed to have come by faster than usual. Y/n was still having a hard time deciding whether or not to take on Professor Lupin's offer. Though she eventually gave in to the temptations of sweet knowledge and decided to go.

"Hey Y/n we were thinking of having a chess tournament tonight. I haven't gotten to see your skills yet." Blaise said, wrapping his arm around Y/n's neck.

"Sorry, I can't go."

"What? Why?" questioned Daphne.

"I'm going to — er — get some extra help from Professor Lupin." Y/n quickly stated.

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