Templin Institute: Orks

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I do not own Warhammer 40k nor do I own Star wars


After watching the horrors of the tyranids

Everyone calmed down a bit... But still shaken

+- Jedi council -+

"S-so this is what we're watching?" Asked Ahsoka shakened by the Tyranids

Anakin sadly nodded "yeah... Though there are some good stuff... You just gotta watch a bit more..."

Obi wan agreed as Apollo appear


"Right! Let us begin!" Apollo announced

And everyone looked at one another then nodded


The screen shows a wreckage of ships, behind it was a cracked and destroyed planet

"In the Grim darkness of the 41st millennium there is only war. Each day on a million worlds, Armies Clash in an Eternity of Carnage and Slaughter to the laughter of thirsting gods."

Shows a multiple battlefields of the imperium facing many and different xenos

"Across the Galaxy, disparate forces muster their fleets in the grim hope that one day Victory might be claimed for the Emperor,"

Now shows The Chaos gods, their champions and their hordes of Daemons united

"the Ruinous Powers,"


Everyone felt chills as they had remembered the Traitor space marines all too well...

Tarkin who was informed by palpatine was interested in these "traitor marines" like the Ultramarines he began thinking of such weapons being used in the... Republic's cause

Ahsoka on the other hand was horrified by these daemons and the traitor marines... Though she was interested in some of the space marine legions... Especially the Salamanders... (Everyone doesn't know about the Eldar child shhhhh....)


"The Greater good."

Now shows a soldier wearing yellow armour with a glowing rifle

+- Generals... And Tarkin -+

Tarkin perked up by this "who is that?" He asked

Apollo appeared "those are the Tau... Fire caste. a part of the strike team as well"

Grevious heard this then asked "Who are these Tau?"

Apollo teleported to Grevious then nods "they are a young race that is greatly holding their own against chaos, Tyranids, Eldar and the Imperium in thanks of their 'advanced' technology" he explained

With grievous nodding though he could almost see these ones like clones with drones and more


"or a thousand other lost causes most fail to realize that the universe in which they exist will not suffer any lasting triumph, another day's survive is all that can be achieved.

in this galaxy hostile to every form of civilization Only one has managed to not only endure, but thrive."

Now shows imperial ships... Except they were crudely made... Junk attached to junk

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