14 help is on the way dear!

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(I fucking love Mrs doubtfire)

The kidnapping situation from Rheas pov

We've been trying to stay as calm as possible but that's very difficult. We've been asking every one we know if they know where edge lives. Who the else would take her from us. He got booted from the judgement day for good reasons. We're don't have any boss and he knows damn well what we thought of him sneaking his way into her life and getting to with her whilst never making a plan to take her yet promising we'd have our turn soon.

We never thought he would take her from us. "Rhea, Dom, Damian!" Finn yells from down stairs. I immediately rush away from y/ns crib and sprint downstairs. I bump into Dom on my way almost knocking him over. "What?!" We all ask. "I know where he lives hurry!" Finn yells heading towards to the door. We all follow.

When we get there the place is a wreck. Door wide open, car gone, garage open. Finn and Dom check the house while me and Damian split up and use our enhanced speed to search the area. He lives a couple blocks away from the beach and I end up going there on my search. I can see a man in the distance dragging a girl along the beach. I can't see them clearly but I do what we all agreed on and head back to the house to get Finn and Dom. I go as fast as I can.

Sprint up the steps to edges front door resisting the urge to scream that I found them but I know that will raise suspicion. I go through the front door and start yelling. "Guys! Guys!" I yell until I hear them call back in response "Yeah?!". They rush over to me and once their in ear shot and I don't need to yell I tell them. "I saw a guy dragging a girl by her hair at the beach I couldn't get a good look at them but it's a safe bet" I say. "I'll find Damian" Dom says before running off in the direction Damian went in.

Me and Finn race to the beach. When we get there we see the one of the people. We're a fair distance away from the jetty but I can see the man standing next to one of the posts underneath the jetty holding something under the water. Me and Finn run towards them as fast as we can on the sand. I see Damian and Dom appear on the other side of the beach somewhat close to the jetty though we are closer at this point. Their looking around and clearly can't see us or them.

"Damian! Dom! Here!" I scream at the top of my lungs and they both start heading our way. But I also got the mans attention. The man takes whatever he's holding out of the water and I can see clearly it's Y/N he smashes her head into the side of the post before leaving her face down. My worries double I take notice of the fact she didn't make any noise when she came out of the water. The man turns around and I can see that it's Edge. He begins heading out of the water. He barely gets out before Finn tackles him.

"Help Y/N" Finn says I assume he's directing the command at me and I head into the water. "Bitch deserves to die!" Edge yells followed by the sound of punches landing. I swim to Y/n she's still warm when I grab her but her chest is still. I grab her with one arm and climb up the nearest post half way. Easy for me hard for a human. I slide her under the railing before climbing the rest of the way. I jump the railing and lay Y/N flat on her back. I put my ear to her chest and hear nothing.

I open my left hand finger opened and  put my fingers through the gaps holding onto my other hand. I place them on her chest and begin giving her CPR. It feels like hours of me sitting here trying to get her to breath before she does. She starts coughing and gasping. She's spitting water everywhere. I roll her onto her side so she doesn't choke on her own vomit.

Are you okay sweetie?" I ask her. She continue to cough and desperately try to catch her breath. Once the waters out of her she takes a deep breath in and roll onto her back laying in my lap. "I'm okay mommy" she say looking up at me.

Her hand reaches up to the side of her head. When she pulls her hand away we both see blood. "Don't panic it's a small cut head wounds just bleed a lot" I say to calm her through I know that head injury is something to worry about. We hear yelling coming from the beach. She sits up to look I look over at the beach too I can faintly see Damian and Finn standing over what looks like Edge and Dom standing off to the side.

Thanks for reading love ya💋-gremlin

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