Chapter one: HeartBreak

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Lucy POV

Dear Mom,

Natsu and I have been dating for awhile now and I have never been happier, I feel safe with him. Nakama, that's what he's always been but now he's even more. I wish you were here to see how happy I am now.

Talk Later mom!

And with that sentence I put away another letter for my mom, of course I know that she'll never read them but I feel like she's listening. I put on my blue crop top and jean shorts with my boots and brown key pouch and whip on my hip before tying my hair up in a side ponytail. I head out the door, forgetting to eat breakfast because I was too excited to meet up with Natsu for another Mission. Once I arrive at the guild everyone seems to be crowded around a person and no one acknowledges my presence. "What's going on?!" I ask Levy-chan over the loud cheering but she ignores me too. I look around for anyone that isn't involved in the mob and soon I find someone "Wendy!?" Wendy looks over and waves me over to sit with her. As I sit down I look to her for guidance "What's going on here?" Wendy looks at the mob "Some girl that everyone thought was dead is back, her name is Lissanna I think" she says casually with no concern at all. I look shocked at her answer but then ease a bit "They're ignoring you too?" Wendy just nods and starts playing with her food. "Where's Natsu?" I ask as I stand up. She just points towards the mob "of course, where else would he be?" I say sarcastically. While I attempt to push myself through the huge crowd I start to hear his voice.

Natsu POV

I assume Luce was running late because of that weird letter thing she does for her mom so I waited at the gates to the guild for her. After standing there for about 20 minutes, I saw a familiar figure walking towards the guild. "N-not possible...." I was speechless, right inn front of me stood the formerly dead Lissanna whose been my bestfriend ever since I could remember. My first response was to tackle her into a hug "I missed you so much, I can't believe you were alive all this time!" She seemed shocked but hugged me back anyway. After nearly squeezing her to death, I took her inside where everyone instantly crowded around us. I think about 10 minutes later Lucy came in because I smelled strawberry and vanilla but I didn't really pay it much mind. Before I knew it, my lips were clashed against Lissanna's in an aggressive make out session and I've gotta admit that by now everyone was pretty drunk.

Lucy POV

As soon as I get to the center of the crowd, I literally feel my heart ripped in half as my boyfriend was making out with this strange girl. and as Natsu looks up at me I couldn't even hear his cries for me to stop and wait before I ran out the door to cry in my bed.

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