Chapter 26

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The following day I am a mess, I couldn't keep breakfast down and Nurse Blainey is admanet about me having strict bed rest today. I wish I could stay in bed but I'm pacing and a nervous wreck. I hope Ominis sends an owl soon, maybe he'll tell me that Sebastian backed out. Maybe I don't have to go into that disgusting catacomb...

"No owl yet?" Atticus asks.

I scream and grab my wand, "You need to stop sneaking up on me!"

He laughs, "you need to be more aware,"

"I am!" I snap, waving my wand at him.

"Did they even tell you when they would be sending one?" he asks.

"No," I say.


"Atticus." I warn.

He puts his hands up in surrender as we wait in silence, I can feel people in the courtyard watching me– us. It's obnoxious. I hate that Atticus shagged so many girls that now I can't be seen with him without everyone thinking we are. He's insufferable but knowledgeable... I hate him. He is not Sebastian, I am supposed to be with Sebastian. He makes me happy, not Atticus... Sebastian–

A letter falls on my lap and the owl looks at me expectantly.

"Thank you," I coo as I hand the owl a snack for its troubles. It hoots at me and flies away, probably to the owl post tower. I read the letter and my blood runs cold, I need to leave now.

"What does it say?" Atticus asks.

"Catacombs. Two and a half hours, if you don't hear from me–" I don't finish my sentence before I apparate to Feldcroft. I appear before Anne and Ominis, arguing.

"This has gone too far, Ominis! This is too much! I'm not going in there!" She shouts.

"Anne... please," Ominis pleads. "I know it's bizarre but this is the last time,"

"Ominis, he's willing to put all of us and the entire hamlet in danger over a theory that a relic he stole from a grave will heal me! That sounds insane!" Anne snaps. "I'm sorry Ominis, but I can't go in there. Just make sure he's okay, will you?" Anne looks over at me, tears welled up in her eyes. "Be there for my brother, please don't be mad,"

"Anne..." Ominis whispers, reaching out to her. He clears his throat, "Freya, I'm glad you got my owl,"

"I did, I came as soon as I could," I told him. "Where's Sebastian?"

"Deep inside of the catacomb already, he... he activated the relic... It's not good," Ominis says frustrated. "I should've made him stop... This is bad," he says.

"Will you two be okay?" I ask, "the vow?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, it's not my fault Anne stepped away on her own. We both agreed it was Anne's choice in the end and it wasn't the fault of either of us," he explains. "But we need to go find him, I don't think the catacomb will contain all of that– everyone is in danger. We need to hurry," he urges,

We enter the catacombs and the stench is way worse than the last time we were here, I nearly gag. "I wish it was spiders,"

"I wish it was nothing," Ominis chimes in, fighting the urge to not gag.

"Where was he when you and Anne found him?" I ask as we rush through the rubble.

"Just up ahead, in the Great Room.. just be warned, he's not in his right mind," Ominis warns.

When we stepped into the Great Room, Ominis was right– the place was overflowing with Inferi. I cast every fire related spell I know. There's so many, it's a miracle that they managed to escape.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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