Chapter 5

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When I get to where the common room should be... I don't see the entrance... That's weird. I look around and see a Slytherin guy walking toward me.

"Can you help me point to your room?" I ask.

He laughs, "It's right there," He points to the wall.

"There's nothing there," I say.

He sighs and walks closer, a snake comes out of the floor, raising around the archway– revealing the door. Wow. That's cool.

"Thank you!" I say walking inside, wow. It smells damp. I scrunch my nose up as I enter the common room. I'm scanning the room, who even is Ominis? The boy from before comes past me, noticing that I'm looking for someone.

"Looking for Atticus?" He asks.

I roll my eyes, "Ominis,"

"Ominis?" he scans the area, "Over there... he's the blonde leaning against the pillar by the windows," he says pointing.

"Thank you," I say and walk over to Ominis... I stand there for a second and I notice he's blind– oh.

"Hey, uh Ominis right?" I ask.

"Hm? Yes, who are you?" He asks.

"Freya, the new seventh-year," I say.

He smiles, "I was sure to meet you soon,"

"Is the bet true?" I ask getting to the point.

He sighs, "Yes, it's true,"

Wow. "What's the bet exactly... whoever sleeps with me first wins?"

"No, no," he says shaking his head, "Whoever can get you to beg for them to sleep with you first, wins,"

"So theoretically if they were to beg me... no one wins?" I ask.

He laughs, "I guess. I wouldn't do it if I were you... Atticus is... a stubborn asshole and Sebastian has too many problems,"

"Noted, thank you," I say.

"Is that everything or is there more?" He asks. "Sorry- that was rude, these first years are annoying,"

"Um..." I pause, "Is it true about Atticus... I mean the whole "five hundred" year old thing? Or what's that about?"

Ominis laughs, "Ask him if you want to know so bad,"

"I can't," I say, "I need someone else to tell me before I proceed any farther with him,"

"All I can say is that the guy is fucked up, he's got some real secrets that I don't think you want to get mixed up in," he says, "Goodbye Freya," He walks away from me, leaving me by myself.

I'm at a dead end, no one will tell me anything... So I guess I have to do this the old fashion way. Research. There's got to be something I can find about the Latimer family, that's not even a familiar name. Strange

As I'm walking back from the Slytherin common room, I see Sebastian... I think of the "favor I owe him" and I cringe. He doesn't see me and then he looks up just as we're about to pass each other.

"Freya!" he says smiling.

"Sebastian," I say plainly. I can't be too annoyed.

He tilts his head, "What's wrong?"

"I heard you made a bet with Atticus on who can sleep with me first," I say crossing my arms.

"Where did you hear that? I didn't have any bets with anyone. I'll try to get this rumor shut down as soon as possible. I'm so sorry," he says, lying straight to my face.

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